What do you think of braces?

They sound like a pain in the ass, and I would rather live with my minor cross-bite than wear them.

Braces can look really cute on other people, though.
I never had braces.

I think in terms of how they look though they're like glasses. Some people suit them, the rest should probably buy contact lenses.
I had braces for seven years... I had some messed up stuff where they had to put screws in my jawline to realign stuff. It wasn't fun. Having braces never hurt and was never sore or anything like that, but once I had to get one of the screws replaced and the orthodontist messed up and numbed the wrong side and essentially drilled a screw into my jaw with no anesthetics. it was definitely really gd painful but I told him to just go through with it since he already started.


I think they're good for helping teeth!

I didn't need them though so I don't know how they feel on. I heard from several friends that they hurt sometimes and the elastics break a lot. Plus, you need to pick your teeth clean after eating every meal to keep rotting food out. So I hear it's time consuming but for straight teeth? Worth every second.
Coming from someone who had them for 6 years, I think they're both a privilege and a necessary evil. Mine hurt so much! But I am thankful to not be self-conscious about my teeth.
I had them for a little over 4 years. Painful as hell.

But I never wore my retainer so now my teeth are crooked again :(
They hurt like hell when I first got em and my mom had the nerve to get In N Out that day and I had to get a shake because mouf2sore. However, they're not that big of a deal. I had a bad habit of accidentally breaking my brackets though because of hard foods and what not but I still styled on them thots.
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Ugh, I need braces. I hardly ever visit the doctor or dentist, I never have problems, really. I know that I should even though I'm not having issues, but I digress.

I'm almost 15 and still haven't gotten braces. Sorta feels like I'm wasting time. Kinda would be good if I could get them off before high school ends.

But anyway my top teeth are great, not perfectly straight but quite close. However, my bottom teeth are a fricking train wreck. Just terrible. Don't have too much of an overbite or anything either. Things are good. Just my dang bottom teeth D:

I don't think braces look too bad though. My only issue with them is all the discomfort and habit changes that will have to happen. I love eating. I don't want to give anything up. xD Oh, and also I play trumpet in band. Love it, I'm just starting to get into where I can play pretty difficult songs but still have fun if you get what I'm saying - But it will be ruined with braces. Braces pretty much ruined band for my brother who also happened to play trumpet. I don't want to go to the orthodontist all the time and miss classes, or put the burden of paying for the braces on my parents again.

At this point it's more of a "when" I get my braces, just not sure how long it'll be. But anyway, *when* I get my braces, what's probably going to be the most unpleasant thing about it? Just sorta curious. :(
I totally failed when I was a wee little things of five or six and let two of my teeth grow in completely without pulling their baby counterparts out. Awful crossbite, ugh!

Personally, I regret my choice to delay in getting braces. I was afraid of being made fun of or looking silly when I was younger, but honestly looking back on it now, I tihnk braces are really cute! I've seen plenty of older folks with braces and hardly think twice about it. Most people look pretty adorbs. u wu

I ended up with Invisalign which was great in theory, but after losing two trays and having to save up for replacements, it's not sitting so well with me! The system is great but not for absentminded or lazy people. I'd go back and get metal if I could. ; o;
At this point it's more of a "when" I get my braces, just not sure how long it'll be. But anyway, *when* I get my braces, what's probably going to be the most unpleasant thing about it? Just sorta curious. :(
It's probably different for everyone but I just remember the first few weeks or so being unpleasant because it took a while to get used to eating with them and they made my mouth very uncomfortable for about that long, but after that they aren't so bad. I wouldn't worry about eating, either, cause truthfully you can probably still get away with eating most of the things you think you'd miss as long as you're careful about it. :)

Anyway, I think braces look really cute! Maybe not so much on me, but I see lots of people around here with them and I always think they look nice.
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I didn't mind them too much when I first got them. Besides most people have braces nowadays, but when you have to keep them on for over 4 years, that's when I get frustrated.

I was only supposed to have them for 2 years, but we moved from Colorado to Texas, making me have to keep them on another 2 years. Then, when I was finally told I would get them off a month ago, guess what they said? You need to wear them for another 6 months. I just want to get rid of them already...
I had to have braces on for like a year or two. The annoying thing about it is that food gets stuck, and if you really like to chew gum, or eat popcorn, you can't :/
I think braces are cute; however, I had mine for a little over a year, and they SUCKED. They hurt so bad at first that I legit couldn't eat anything. I even had trouble eating ice cream. This lasted for a month or so and then I was finally able to eat what I wanted to.
I ate popcorn and chewed gum not caring what the orthodontist said. I never had any trouble with brackets popping out, thankfully.
Even though my braces have been off since September, I still can't bite off hard foods with my two top front teeth. Which sorta makes sense, considering those are the ones that moved the most... but still.
So basically, I liked my braces, despite the fact that the first month was hell and food liked to constantly get stuck in them. Re-tightenings didn't hurt at all for some reason.

I've also noticed that everyone has different pain tolerances, though. For example, when I had spacers before the braces, they were HELL. I had trouble swallowing water smh. Everything hurt and I couldn't even talk correctly.
My friend, on the other hand, didn't have any pain at all with spacers and she calls me crazy because mine hurt so badly.
You can't really trust people who tell you how much it'll hurt lol
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I hated them, but my teeth are perfect now so I can't really complain :X
I've never had them before.
I have a slight over bite and a few spaced teeth but it's nothing worth getting braces for.
I might get invisiline in the future though...
Anyways... braces can be cute on certain people.
I'm not crazy about them though.
I hated them.

I got them in 7th grade. My cheeks were destroyed. The braces would rub against the inside of my mouth until I bled. I'd get coldsores 24/7. They aren't cute at all, either. Waste of money for me since I only had a slight overbite. Whenever I ate ANYTHING, something would get stuck. Lettuce from a burrito, shrimp from sushi, etc.
I was meant to have them for four years. I said to my mother and my orthodontist...NO. My mouth was covered in scares from being rubbed up against and cold sores...ARGH. My mother was furious and was all,"You have **** teeth. Put up with it. It'll be a waste of money!" Bull**** considering I told her several times just to not pay for them. When I got the rubber bands, I always put them on everyday. The reason he probably said it was going to take four years was because my sister had had her braces for four years because she never wore her rubber bands. Eventually, they came out. It was only two years for me in the end. Waste of money for me.

On another note, I read an FML where a guy had to get braces at the age of 30... I would definitely say "no". He didn't have really bad teeth, by the way. The orthodontist was after his money. He went to a different one and they said "no way, you're teeth are fine."
They make anything Kawaii Desu, I'm going to get them soon.
It was difficult to get used to at first in honesty, it felt really tight and uncomfortable for a few weeks. Eatign certain things also became difficult.

However, after a few weeks I barely realized they were there, except for some eating issues and extra attention while brushing. I don`t think its that bad. I really hated the fitting and all that crap in the beginning though. But yeah, you know what your doing it for, so in the end it was worth it, more then worth it even.