What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

I finally got my rooms cleaned up and two museum exhibits set up. I'm super happy with the northern room, it's exactly what I had envisioned in a coffee shop. I also sent Marshal like 10 denim shirts hoping to get him to wear one again.
Worked on my natural paths some more.
Got Wolfgang's signature.
Told Bunnie that she's in my town for the rest of her life.

Got Whitney, Lucky, and Flurry.
Started moving all my white flowers to the beach.
Got Shampoodle's and Kick's.
Got T&T Mart.
Got the QR machine.
Got a mannequin.
Got all the accessories and clothes for the twins.
Also got them hair cuts.
Got signatures for Club LOL.

Pretty productive day in Moondust~ c:
I stalked Agent S for about an hour trying to get her to finally recommend the Fairy Tale Bridge... only to be stalked in return by Deli who took the opportunity to recommend the Modern Bridge. I do not like the modern bridge.
I've managed to settle on my final villager list (means moving out Stitches, but it must be done) and I decided to switch up my house's exterior. c:

Oh! Kid Cat finally requested the Instrument Shelter, so I paid that off too. ❤
I caught a moray eel for Lolly, let Freya come to my house, went to the island and did the elite market price bug tour till I had over 400 medals again (I'd fallen after buying a few treasure chests, haha) and donated two new diving catches to Blathers. I also managed to raise my bells to 88 mil after catching some bugs and fish earlier :D
I did this yesterday, but I still want to brag about finally capturing a scorpion. I wasn't even looking, of course. It was kind of funny actually. I was walking along with my fishing rod so it didn't get aggressive and ended up winding around my legs like a cat for ten seconds. I had to wait for it to stop rubbing against my legs and move away so I could net it properly.
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It was Fuchsia's birthday today and as you can see,she might have had a few too many glasses of punch.Party guest Spork passed out in a heap shortly after this screenshot was taken.
I gave away Rolf to someone who loves him, paid off a drinking fountain, and EARNED a golden can!!
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Eugene is moving in tomorrow (has a plot). I adopted Lobo from a kind person who was cycling. I won 1st place at the bug-off with a meazly BEE. Got me some bells too! plan to go shopping here... thanks to Mari
I'm redoing paths in Applewin and whipping it into better shape in terms of walking through the town more comfortably. I did a Giveaway yesterday for Lucky, and I am looking at areas to plan the placement his replacement slot. (A replacement villager won't happen too quickly. I'm personally wanting it to be Biskit. But I'm not ready yet.) This would serve as a better location. And I'm reducing my fruit trees (non-native ones) from nine to six each of the likes of durians, lemons, persimmons, etc. (This doesn't factor the bamboo; but those are also getting reduced.) I am also reconsidering the park area for what to feature there.
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won 2nd place in the bug off with a monarch butterfly ( 65 points ) lost to chester ( whom i hate ) he had a mantis ( 65 points )
not that i really care cause i wanted 2nd or 3rd place ( to get the trophy for my museum )

got the gold bug caching net.

and really stressing out cause i have 19600 turnips to sell in less than 5 and a half hours ( 200+ in price please )
that's when in my country clock hits 6AM Sunday.