What are your favourite and least favourite in-game flowers and colours?


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2014
I love the pink roses in the game and would happily fill my town with them, or pink carnations.

In general I like the lilies, roses, tulips and cosmos in game but I really can't get onboard with pansies. I just don't like them, especially the white ones (I like them in real life though).

I also don't like any of the black flowers in game, and not that keen on blue.
I love tulips especially white ones.
I don't really like cosmos but I'm a huge fan of all white flowers.
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I love pretty much all the pink flowers! But overall, my favourites are pink roses, purple roses, pink lilies and white violets. I really hate cosmos, they always look so withered and scraggly to me, idk. I only use the pink/white ones to decorate outside re-tail.
Roses would be my vintage favourite, but I really adore the Violets we get in New Leaf!

Pansies on the other hand are just not great, and the only flower I don't have at all in my town!

As for colours I'm really not picky, I love having all the colours of the rainbow with my flowers!
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I really like the orange pansies and lilies. :)
Pansies are my favorite in general. Maybe because I really love them in real life!
My least favorite are the black flowers... And roses look very "paper" to me, I don't like them much either.
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Roses are my favourite
Pink is my dominant flower colour
And cosmos
They look too frail
I really like a lot of the flowers in the game, but my least favorite is yellow. If it isn't mixed in with a hybrid or something I go absolutely crazy.
I love purple roses.My least favorite are the yellow flowers with the exception of yellow roses.Their so bright and cheerful.The others are kind of dull.
I like having a variety of diverse flower types and colors in all areas of my town. I prefer for them to be all mixed up! So I just place them randomly and I only change them up if I feel like there's too many flowers of the same type or color next to each other.
Cosmos are my favorite, especially orange. Pansies are pretty cool in purple but I don't love thm otherwise. Lillie's are probably my least favorite - they're just kinda plain, even hybrids. My least favorite color or flowers is definitely yellow. Oh, and I'm not seeing much love for tulips here but they're great, especially in red, white, and black.
Probably cosmos, they're just... so boring ;_;

I also hate yellow roses. It's just something about the roses being yellow doesn't seem right...
It would have to be purple pansies and purple tulips. I love the deep color they have. My least favorite would have to be the yellow lilies, they look very washed out. ^^
I'm not a big fan of the cosmos flowers. My favorites would be roses and Jacob's Ladders. And I HATE all of the orange flowers. I just can't accept that color at all.
My favorite are the yellow cosmos, and cosmos are my favorite type of flower too. I really can't think of a least favorite. I love all the flowers, and went around my town checking them out, it's too hard to decide on a least favorite.
I love all the roses, plus all blue flowers. I also really like the carnations. :3
There is an exception, I don't really like the gold roses, it is probably because they look so...fake.