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What 3 words?


I'm loyal to all of my friends and am always looking to make new ones.

I'm different because I was born with autism and have had to deal with a lot of exclusion and obstacles growing up.

I'm strong because I always break right through those obstacles, no matter what they are.
I think my three words would be:


zany because I'm autistic and I have a lot of funny and interesting quirks. compassionate because I'm highly empathic and I can feel the joy and pain of others, emotionally and even physically. and mindful because I really try to understand why someone is who they are, or why something is how it is, before drawing any conclusions, then giving the benefit of the doubt and understanding. (this is something I've struggled with for a long time and I've been working on it for a while now, I think I'm getting better 💞).
I always have the hardest time describing myself for some reason, but if I had to describe myself with just 3 words, they’d probably be:

Funny - my sense of humour has always been one of my biggest prides and one of the things I like most about myself. Being able to make other people smile or laugh, especially when they’re feeling down, is one of my biggest joys in life. Being told that I’m funny or making someone laugh adds a year to my life, it’s everything to me. 💗

Kind - I know this is a common answer haha, but I try my best every day to be a kind human being, and I’d like to think that I’ve done a good job so far. I care about others so deeply, and am willing to be without if it means that someone else isn’t. I always do my best to put my loved ones before myself, even at my own expense sometimes. I’ll stay silent about my own troubles if it means I can listen to and help someone else through theirs.

The last thing I ever want to do is accidentally hurt or upset someone. It also pains me to think about anyone else being hurt, or feeling alone or uncared about, and I do my best to make people feel seen, heard, and cared about.

Sensitive - I fear I may be the most sensitive mf on this planet ong. You just have to give me the slightest indication that you might be upset with me (even though you probably actually aren’t 😭) and I will start overthinking and feeling like I’m the worst person to ever exist xnsjxndhcb
Determined - a double edged sword, I don’t ever really give up and as a result am stoically patient, but this can swing to me being extremely stubborn and not knowing when it would be good to let go. My less determined friends will know I can push a lot, sometimes too much.

Sensitive - I feel a LOT of feels, I don’t have trouble understanding people emotionally and am empathetic as a result. The flip side of being sensitive is I get hurt very easily, my emotions rule me 24/7 and other people’s mood affect me so much that it’s bothersome.

Friendly - I was raised to be polite, always smile and be respectful with everyone. Because of this I make friends easily and don’t have an issue approaching people. Unfortunately this trait comes with having trouble setting boundaries when being approached in a way that I don’t like and I’ve turned into quite the people pleaser.

All of these qualities have both positive and negative aspects for me. I’m working on overcoming the negative sides. 🌈