I have a bone to pick with Dotty right now (even though I love her dearly)

Yesterday she (Dotty) asked me to deliver a package to Ellie after they had had a fight
When Ellie open the package it was this awful blue fitness tank. She asked me if she looked good in it and if she should wear it and I very quickly said no and she put it away

Today I am walking past Ellie in my plaza and I see that she IS WEARING THE SHIRT???? It’s awful! I didn’t know that villagers can give other villagers clothes and that they’d wear them :(
Same happened to me with Shep.

He got the suit of lights that I delivered to him.
When I saw how hideous it was I told him it didn't look good and he said he wouldn't wear it.

He hasn't taken it off in weeks.

It's crap like that, that has pushed me further away from the game, and I now don't do any requests whatsoever.
Yes, one villager asked for a delivery request to Zell. The item was a blue astro dress, which thankfully he doesn't wear that often. But when he does. . .ooh boy does he look like a tinfoil bootleg Zenon-Girl-of-the 21st-Century nightmare lol.