Villagers and Time Travelling?


Mayor of Town
Jan 3, 2014
Hello Awesome Forum!

I'm sure this question has been asked and answered many times, sorry if it has.

Does time travelling have any negative effects on villagers, even if you only travel a day at a time?

Thanks much!
It's still very possible to accidentally trigger a moveout even if you travel a day at a time, though since you have more chances to prevent it it shouldn't be that much of a problem. Just make sure to keep your ears open for news of moving villagers! I've heard stories about people losing villagers even with TTing just one day!

Aside from that, I can't think of much negative effects. You might miss out on special visitors (like Gulliver or campers) if you TT quickly, and you might get branded an individual (someone who doesn't interact much with villagers) if you spend too much time TTing instead of socializing, but these should be minor events, or easily reversible.
They will still move out. The way I do it is talk to a specific villager several times each day that's TTed, and then another villager the same amount of times. If neither of them mention someone you want to keep is thinking about moving, go on. If someone you want to keep is, go see if they ping you. If they don't ping you, save and quit and then see if they ping you.
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