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villager species favourites?


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2018
what species in acnl do yall like the most and hate the most?

my #1 favourite is the wolves, i love them all. the models look so nice.
the dogs, deer, squirrels, and horses are up there for me as well.

i hate gorillas the most. i cant think of a single gorilla villager i like.
the mice and pigs are pretty bad as well, but both of those types have one or two worthwhile villagers at least.
I like squirrels and sheep the most. I think my least favorite is also gorillas.
definitely love deer the most!! though a very close second is the bunny villagers. and then cat villagers. but! least favorite probably.. I might have to agree on gorillas. and hippos too.
I can't pick a favourite haha. :c

These are my top 5 (in no particular order):

1. Wolves
2. Cubs
3. Deers
4. Squirrels
5. Dogs
I live all of them ! Although my favorite is cats.

My least favorite is probably bears.
I love the Elephants, lol. Probably because they're my favorite animal IRL.
All three of my towns have at least one, though for my newest town I'm challenging myself not to overlap species.

Cubs are a close second for me, though, Pekoe being my all time favorite villager.

Hamsters get the bronze~

I agree mostly with everyone on Gorillas except for Boone. Boone actually has a pretty cool design.
I got him as a random move in, and I honestly really enjoy having him.

IMO the mice are worse.
There's not a single mouse that I want.
There are some with okay designs, but I'm just not really a fan.
Hamsters trump mice any day lol.

Not a fan of frogs, either.
There's a couple cuties, but eh. *shrug*
I love so many of them that it's difficult to choose just one. Squirrels, deer, penguins, frogs, bears/cubs, koalas, and anteaters are probably at the top of the list.

I don't have a least favorite, but if I had to choose it would be wolves only because almost all of their houses are kind of jacked up in some way. I really love all species though, so the wolves' houses are my only complaint.
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dogs... and also deer have nice designs themselves!
I'm kinda biased since I'm a cat lover so in turn I really like the cat villagers! But I also like the bear cubs, wolves, dogs, rabbits, sheeps, and anteaters
Cats are my favourite, wolves and rabbits are close to them
I dislike adult bears, hippos and gorillas
I love deer but i never get them in my town ever. I also love elephants, ducks and koalas.
I absolutely hate the frogs, pigs, and the goshdarn birds
1. Rabbits
2. Cats
3. Wolves
4. Deer
5. Frogs

Those are all my favourites, mostly because villagers designs are really cute ^w^
ducks and frogs are underrated!! so tiny and precious

big bears are really good too, we need more big villager species in the next game
My favourite species are the rabbit,hamster,deer,kangaroo,cub, squirrel and sheep villagers.

My least favourite species are probably the gorrilas and the mice.♥♥♥
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I really love cubs and squirrels! A lot of my favourite villagers are in those species, and almost all of them have really nice designs!

I’m really not a fan of the pigs though :/ Most of them just aren’t very appealing to me. .-.
As birds are my favorite class of animal in the real world, it follows that some of my favorite villager species in Animal Crossing are types of birds.

The top two are definitely the Ostriches and Penguins, and it's difficult to say which one I like the most. Penguins are my favorite animals in real life and I really like 10 of the 13 Penguin villagers in New Leaf. Meanwhile, I only like 7 of the 10 Ostrich villagers in New Leaf, but I feel like some of the Ostriches really stand out and have a better model and individual designs. While it's really close, I'd currently say that I'd have to give the vote to Ostriches just because of how many cool and unique villagers it features, including but not limited to Flora, Julia, Phoebe, and Sprocket.

Other species that I'm particularly fond of include Bears, Birds, Cats (despite their general lack of noses), Cubs, Lions, Gorillas, and Pigs.

I don't get why so many people dislike the Gorillas other than them just being big and not fitting into a stereotypical definition of "cute". Sure, there are some I'm not too keen on either like Al (though I warmed up to him after he was a starting villager in one of my towns, still had him move out though) and Boyd, but Hans is awesome and I also like Boone, Caesar, Louie, Peewee, Rocket, and Violet.


My least favorite species of villagers include the Cows, since there are so few and because the only one that's actually unique is Naomi, and Hamsters because I find most of them either disinteresting or downright unpleasant to look at (Flurry's lack of a nose on the flesh colored muzzle is distracting) and the only one I really like to a degree that I'd consider having them in a town would be Soleil.
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I like: Squirrels, Hamsters, Rabbits, Mice, Sheep, Frogs, Bear Cubs, Wolves and Ducks.

I Dislike: Gorillas (I only like Cesar and Louie), Cows (except for Norma) and Bulls (except for Stu).
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i really like the wolf, rabbits and tigers (✿?‿`) all of their designs for each villager are so cute and nice