Time Traveling Advice?


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2014
Recently I've started playing Animal Crossing again and with the accumulated time that I've spent not playing my game is a little more than a year behind the actual time (I lost track of the date I last played and guesstimated when it was and I ended up losing my beloved Phoebe T.T).

So with that said I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice in long distance time travel with the minimal amount of loss possible to the town. I thought about having a villager that I don't want set up as a scapegoat so when it come the time for them to move I go ahead and time travel at least 6 months into the future with only them moving, but I am not sure that is safe and another villager moves as well.

I already have all my villager's pictures so I'm not worried about wrecking their friendship levels. Also if I might add I want to know if it is possible the most recent 10th villager to be the one to move.

I appreciate any kind if help, also an apology in advance if a thread like this had already been made.
if you stop a villager from moving you can jump as long forward as you want without losing anyone. i've done it many times and it works.
Thanks! And if you don't mind me asking how was the condition between the points? Was there major things needed to be done after the act?
If you have the Beautiful Town Ordinance is effect for at least 24 hours before you time travel the only things you'll have to deal with are: your villagers complaining about not seeing you, your character will have messy, bedhead hair, and you'll have a few weeds and/or clovers to pull. Other than that, everything should be fine.

Just be sure to stop a villager from moving (if you want to keep them) right before you begin to TT.
I just did a jump from late September to late February. Stopped the mover first and than did the jump. Found the rumor mover and stopped them in 10 minutes. I made sure that it wasn't a holiday, event or villagers birthdays before jumping to that date.

Make sure to talk to all your villager. One time I did a two week jump and stopped the mover. Forgot to speak to 3 villagers and the next day I had another one trying to skip town.

Make sure beautiful is on. You'll have some flowers, clovers and a few weeds to clean up.
If you gonna TT make sure you do it with the 3DS clock, it is safer than Isabelle's clock.

If you want to avoid stuffs like when you lost Phoebe because you couldn't recall when was the last time you played, you can always check on the 3DS activity log book when was the last time you played animal crossing new leaf. Before you enter the game of course. And then with the 3DS clock time travel to that date to avoid losing villagers.

You can always time travel and create a new character to check your villagers, if you see something unusuall like some villager in box or gone, quit without saving (press home menu) and TT back a few days to check out on that villager, with another new character of course. When you see him/her again, save and enter with your mayor to say no when she tells you she wants to move out.

Time travel is a two edges blade, if you know to play your cards, you will be safe.
Also if you use the 3ds clock if you have another copy and load it on that DS I think it changes the time on that save game too.
I think that answers about all my questions, I've tt'd plenty of times before but never in such a long expanse of time.

Thank you all very much your help was appreciated ^^