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Time Travel Was Almost A Reality!

assuming possibility, time travel would only theoretically transport matter as-is: not necessarily memories or the state of living.
the amount of heat and pressure necessary to go a theoretical speed at which the very "fabric" of time means nothing would likely kill any form of life on it. even so, it would transport the matter (if even); it wouldn't necessarily keep the life of the creature in it, be it in a live-able state on the other side or not. and time machine around the same time as "mobile" phones (putting a phone in a car)? sure
Plus, I don't trust a website that's freely available to be edited by anybody when it comes to subjects that are already highly debatable on matters that don't have hard factual evidence to support the articles...
To be fair, everything that's put on Wikipedia needs to have a trustworthy source. But to be fair to that point, even a trustworthy source can release information that turns out to be not true, and that source is still used for Wikipedia. There's a lot of people that manage the pages though, it's rarely just one person, so I think with that double-check people can keep it factual.
But yeah, I don't really trust an eye witness account that doesn't have any proof backing it either.

One thing I don't understand is how time travel doesn't already exist. Millions of years into the future, time travel must become possible at some stage, and if time travellers exist, how do we know they don't come and go from here and change things dramatically for us? We would never know, because our memories of that reality would just erase. Every moment, things could be changing. That's really peculiar to me.
It depends on how time travel actually works, or if it's even physically possibly. Forces in the universe are affected by each other. We know for sure that gravity is able to bend time, so maybe the way to go back in time is to create negative gravity, but how would that be done in the first place? Do we need to keep the gravity differences on our planet in mind? There's a lot of questions to be answered and a lot of problems to be solved.

As for why we haven't seen time travellers appear yet, there's a few theories floating around. One is that the limit of time travel is to when time travelling actually came into existence. That sets a sort of zero point that the machine cannot pass.
Another is that once time travel is actually invented, it is locked away by the powers that be so it can't be abused. There's many historical events that people would like to change, but what would the effect of it be? For example, if there had been no Holocaust, would the future we live in now really be better? It's hard to say such things with 100% certainty, and thus better not to be messed with.


On the subject of Die Glocke, it's obviously just a conspiracy theory. There was no mention of such a device at all until a book published in 2000, even though many intelligence agencies openly shared the secret Nazi projects that had been going on behind the scenes.

And if I had a time machine for myself, I wouldn't change anything. In the end the experiences I've been through are what made me as I am today, and I'm pretty happy with how I am now.
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the concept is cool, but i think its something we should avoid. as used in most movies and tv shows, when you time travel to the past, you can easily change a lot for the future. i wouldnt want any risks taken. i dont care what i did in the past. it's the past, get over it and dont *** with it. the same thing applies vice versa
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imo i think time travel is real, and it is posible in space and stuff. I'd defenitely time travel, I'd get valuable comics, I'd tell my dad not to move to Tennessee, and a bunch of other things.
time travel to the past where the world was even more worse or the future where humanity has probably purged itself and lead to the heat death of the universe

yeah, I think I'll stay in the ****ty present
Time travel was not "almost a reality" it IS a reality! There are many agents at work keeping these events out of the public eye. I will not say anything more...
Time travel was not "almost a reality" it IS a reality! There are many agents at work keeping these events out of the public eye. I will not say anything more...

There's a documentary about it called 'Time Cop'.
I don't think travelling (backwards) in time is possible but even if it is I don't think it would actually affect us. It would probably just create alternative timelines for the people doing the timetravelling. It's a very interresting subject though.
Time travel is in fact, almost proven. Back in ww2, the nazi scientists were trying to create a device/machine that can warp the particles around and create a worm hole. This machine was named "Die Gloche" that's German for the bell (cause I take German) it's really fascinating. They made this machine to go back in time, in case they lost the war, to change the past and win the war.

The cool part was the machine dissapeared one night and no one knew what happened in Germany. A few years ago, when people were walking in he woods, a machine out of no where, crash landed on the ground. The poeple went over and inspected it. It looked like a bell. Unfortunately, by the time they got someone to see it, it was gone. People suspect it was "Die Gloche"
If time travel was possible, would you do it?

No, haven't you heard of the butterfly effect?

What would you change?
For me I would go back and tell myself to not be a complete idiot and embarrass myself in school
What if the nazis did change ww2 and they won? What would happen? Imagine today.....

Actually, watch this series on Youtube for what might have happened.

Well time travel technically is possible forward, (if Einstein's Theory of Relatively is true) but backwards........I'd probably mess up a load of **** and ruin my life or something lmao, so I wouldn't change anything xD

Anyway wouldn't there be a paradox if I went back and changed things? Like....ya know, the killing your grandad thing.....? Idfk
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Time traveling will never exist because we have no evidence of time travelers visiting humans at all the important events in human history. If time traveling is really a reality, the world would be near perfect.
Time traveling will never exist because we have no evidence of time travelers visiting humans at all the important events in human history. If time traveling is really a reality, the world would be near perfect.

u will never exist cuz u didn't exist 20 years ago
computers don't exist either because cavemen didn't have them
also btw tbt doesn't exist now BC it didn't exist during the spanish-american war
u will never exist cuz u didn't exist 20 years ago
computers don't exist either because cavemen didn't have them
also btw tbt doesn't exist now BC it didn't exist during the spanish-american war

If time traveling will exist, wouldn't people go to see the main events of human history such as WWII, the American Revolution, Jesus's life? I don't really get how that is relevant to what I'm saying.
If time traveling will exist, wouldn't people go to see the main events of human history such as WWII, the American Revolution, Jesus's life? I don't really get how that is relevant to what I'm saying.

What if only travelling forward exists m9899