This makes me really sad


Oct 8, 2012
Purple Mailbox
Guys, I think that my New Leaf time is over. I've lost interest in the game a couple months ago, after playing +500 hours. I ignored it for a while and played other games, in the hope that it would be fresh again. I restarted a fresh, new town two times now but I both played them for less than a day. And now the game is untouched again.
Does anyone know how to overcome this? I waited so many years for this, I played Wild World a couple years! How come that this game, I only played for a month or 5/6.

I just don't understand.
You can always try to set goals like try to make your town have a fun theme or see how fast you can fill up a part of the museum! Don't force yourself to try and play though because the game will become a chore rather than something fun!
I do think the main problem is with this version is that its ever so easy to gain bells to pay off items that would have originally taken a lot longer. Its very easy to get the mortgage sorted, get new pwps up and paid for and to unlock the different buildings.
Yes we all have a choice to use the island to our advantage but I do find it way too easy and so only use it for earning medals. I refuse to use the island for cash because I find it far too easy and if I want to enjoy the game more, I want to earn the bells through hard labor following the seasonal bug and fish trends on the mainland.
I made a whopping 50k just by fishing, bug catching, fruit, seashells and fossils. Not one trip was made to the island to do this and I found I enjoyed it so much more.

Its too easy to rush the game with the island and it makes it less fun, well it does for me anyway :)

I also try and make plans on paper for my village. At the very beginning you have nothing but by sketching out your island and making a plan for the future, you can watch your creation come to virtual life. It gives you a sense of anticipation and excitement and should, hopefully, keep you playing.

Don't play because you feel you have to either. Have a days break in between until you start seeing you town come to life. Remember it can take up to two/three weeks for you to really start loving your town so try and keep hold of it for that long before you restart because you could have had something great.

Please keep us updated with what you decide

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I do think the main problem is with this version is that its ever so easy to gain bells to pay off items that would have originally taken a lot longer. Its very easy to get the mortgage sorted, get new pwps up and paid for and to unlock the different buildings.
Yes we all have a choice to use the island to our advantage but I do find it way too easy and so only use it for earning medals. I refuse to use the island for cash because I find it far too easy and if I want to enjoy the game more, I want to earn the bells through hard labor following the seasonal bug and fish trends on the mainland.
I made a whopping 50k just by fishing, bug catching, fruit, seashells and fossils. Not one trip was made to the island to do this and I found I enjoyed it so much more.

Its too easy to rush the game with the island and it makes it less fun, well it does for me anyway :)

I also try and make plans on paper for my village. At the very beginning you have nothing but by sketching out your island and making a plan for the future, you can watch your creation come to virtual life. It gives you a sense of anticipation and excitement and should, hopefully, keep you playing.

Don't play because you feel you have to either. Have a days break in between until you start seeing you town come to life. Remember it can take up to two/three weeks for you to really start loving your town so try and keep hold of it for that long before you restart because you could have had something great.

Please keep us updated with what you decide


Yeah, I have make sure to not abuse easy ways to make bells, time travel, or plot reset. I know I would become a complete maniac and, in the end, not enjoy the game. I am trying to take it nice and easy. The only thing I am pushing hard right now is I want to do my best to get all the bugs and fish that will no longer be available at the end of October, because that would probably bother me.

OP, did you TT a lot previously? Maybe if you specifically try not to do that, the easy-going pace of the game would be much more enjoyable! Otherwise... try the reverse and TT like the doctor :p christmas and halloween all the same day!
Same with me. I simply don't have the motivation any more, plus I'm more into the sims 3 now.
I'd try playing with some friends, whether they be IRL or on AC:NL Online, even if they've had the game for a long time. I fthey have a new game that they just restarted, you can see how other towns are growing just like yours. That's just an idea of mine, I've never actually done it. Don't force it, if you wanna take a break by all means go ahead and do so.
if you need a break, you ought to take one. it's not a bad thing for you to tire of new leaf, people do move on from things even if they were once great and beautiful.

basically with each one of these sort of threads that i see, people say to set goals for yourself. in addition to this, i think it'd be nice (once you unlock it) to visit the dream suite. this way you can get inspired by other people who have been able to spend copious amounts of time in their town, maybe ideas on ways that you would like to decorate yours. whenever i'm feeling bored, i go to a dream suite and just walk around. it does tend to get a little boring walking around my town since, after a while, my villagers all say the same stuff haha.
Currently I'm trying to make paths in my town, breed hybrids and trying to complete certain furniture sets. I know it'd be so much easier just to trade with people online, but it's been helping to keep me invested. Also I don't want to lose certain villagers, so that keeps me logging in for at least an hour a day.

I remember playing WW like crazy, but City Folk was kind of meh for me. But so far NL has been keeping my interest. Even if you just play for like, 45 minutes or something, it might help you slowly get back into playing for longer.
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How long was your break? I'd suggest taking a longer one. There's nothing wrong with a several month (or even a year) long break, and it might help get you interested again. c:

I don't know if you did these things before, but you could also try going without any plot resetting, bug hunting, fancy paths, etc. this time around. Just take it really slow and let villagers come and go as they please, not bothering with dreamies or trying to make your "perfect dream town." Just play the game like you would if you'd never discovered TBT or any internet sites about animal crossing. Imagine you just bought the game and you pretty much don't know how it works..
That might not appeal to you, but if it's a new way of playing that you haven't tried before (or maybe you used to play like that when it first came out), it could give you a new take on the game and keep you interested? I think this would work for me, but idk, maybe it's a horrible idea XD

If you don't want to take a break or follow my other suggestion, I'd definitely recommend getting some friends to play with you!! If you don't have any friends who play, you could maybe convince some to? Or get some internet friends to play with you on a regular basis. The only reason I played Wild World for years is because my sister also played and it was really fun to hang out in her town and watch it change. We used to shove each other into pitfalls. I also used to secretly compete with her, trying to make my town and house look better than hers (I did not succeed). It led to a lot of fun and a lot of good memories ^^

Good luck, I hope you find something that works! And if you don't, that's fine too. It's not something that you can love forever...everyone is going to get tired of it eventually. You can try a new 3DS game or wait for the next Animal Crossing. Don't feel bad :)
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Yeah, I was in the same situation. I had already spent over 700 hours on my acnl game, gotten all my dream villagers, and completed my town. I felt as if there was nothing left for me to do.

Now I just visit whenever I have time. It's nice to play every now and then, but I know I won't ever play as much as I did before.
You put 500 hours into the game. That's a LOT. Games aren't meant to be played forever, even though animal crossing in particular does have a long lifespan. It's ok to grow out of your old interests and develop new ones.
The reason I won't restart is that I think I would try to do too much at once. The game has been more enjoyable for me just focusing on one or two things at a time. I spent months on bells/items and events before I started on dream villagers and then decorating the town, for example. It's been harder in my second town, because I want to work on everything every day. I'm forcing myself now to just pay attention a bit to my villagers and friendship levels, and I'm beginning to feel a bit more connected. Trying to choose just one element of the game and letting the rest go for a while has helped me. Good luck:)
I am also on a break right now. It became chore crossings. I no longer enjoyed going into my town. I still like the idea of visiting it which is why I won't sell the cartridge or anything, but yeah, I can totally relate. After a while, there's nothing to accomplish, so either you have to find new challenges for yourself or you let everything go.
I sadly know exactly how you feel, op. I played WW for 3 years straight without losing interest and CF for 2, but New Leaf, I only lasted through 5 months before losing interest.
My interest waxes and wanes with every version of AC. Sometimes I'll get super into it and want to play nonstop, other times I take a break.

I played WW for 5 years and I reset my town 3-4 times. Sometimes I feel like I've done everything there is to do so starting new makes it more exciting.
I've reset my NL game once. I did a ton of plot resetting, tons of time travel, grind for bugs, trying to collect dreamies & complete my catalog & check the main street stor. It became really methodical for me, I'd do my dailies and that was about it. I got so bored with the game & it felt like a chore.

After I reset, I made rules for my gameplay:
No time travel at all
No resetting
Any time someone wants to move in, just let them. In WW and GC, I just kind of accepted whoever moved in. I ws super duper picky in my first town.

I'm really enjoying the game right now. Sometimes resetting makes the game new again when you feel burnt out and bored with everything. You could switch up your gameplay without resetting. You could just wait and then play again when you feel like it.
I got the game when it came out and I still play it i'm always changing things in my town and trying to get more PWP's. I finally got my golden net and now i'm going for the golden fishing rod and I still have the badges to get.