The life of snow and ice: What is February about


“Assorted” Collector
Yoshi's Islanders
Sep 9, 2014
Green Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Snowflake Glow Wand
Festive Bell
Friday the 13th Candy
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
I am back from my hiatus since a new month began. Just like I said a few times, I'm only going to do 25 entries per month, so I'll be back to blogging. Last month was okay. I didn't enjoy it as much on here, but I hope February does better. Now onto the blog.

I hope you all had a good January, because the month is over. Now we're advancing to the next month - February. 2015 is no longer new, but it's still very early in the year. As 2015 progresses through, we are on the second month.

February is a very unique month compared to the other 11 months. It may be the coldest month of the year (or not), but unlike December and January, February is not the stereotypical winter month like what you believe. And here's why:

First of all, by the time we get to February, we are already tired of the winter. It's not like December when we're so excited for the winter to come. As another mention I like to bring up is that when we talk about the holidays and themes, the winter theme is concealed by these other events. December has Christmas, and we usually associate Christmas with the winter. January is almost barren of holidays, so the winter theme sticks out. But for February, the winter theme is concealed despite the winter environment and winter weather being at its worst.

In regards to the holidays and events, the most significant event of February is Valentine's Day. In my honest opinion, I don't see how Valentine's Day fits with winter theme like I see Christmas. Valentine's Day can be any season, not just winter. It just happens to be in the winter, which makes it a winter holiday. The roses are flowers, which I see more for the spring theme, perhaps summer. Also, the holiday colors are red, white, and pink. I see red and white in Christmas too, and white is a perfect color for winter since snow is white. Blue is also good since it's a cold color with no hot colors blended in. But pink sounds like a weird color for the winter.

February is also spirited to America, even if July has the most important American holiday as November and January are the months of change in management of the US Government. The only two presidents we celebrate the birthdays of, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, both have birthdays in February. Coincidentally, they are generals (in Washington's case) or presidents during the American Revolution and the Civil War, respectively. As a bonus, there is a third presidential holiday, President's Day. The third Monday of February is a day we celebrate for all the presidents, not just Abe Lincoln and George Washington. What else is there? Black History month. Even if Martin Luther King day is in January, February is the month we pay homage to the civil rights activists. With Black History and presidential celebrations on our hands, that adds another reason to February being less winter-like than the other two months.

Finally, we have Groundhog's Day. Instead of being irrelevant to the winter like what I just covered in the previous two paragraphs, it's more of an anti-winter holiday since it's a silly tradition where the fate of the winter is determined by the groundhog. Judging by the information, I can tell that people are already sick of the winter after one or two whole months of the cold. Also, remember in ACNL about what happens in February? Festivalé is a celebration about winter ending as the snow melts on February 25th. But this is AC stuff, not in real life.

Even if the winter theme isn't as strong in February, it's still an appropriate month for winter-themed stuff. It can get colder and even snowier.

Now for some personal life:

While what I said above is true about February, it's also my birthday month. Yes, I did base Kaylee, Jenny, and Penny after me as they all have birthdays in the 4th quarter, but February is the month of my birthday. My real birthday (and official birthday) is February 13th. This year, I am turning 22. And since the first is on a Sunday, my birthday lands on Friday the 13th, the day of bad luck. My birthday is close to Abraham Lincoln's birthday and Valentine's Day, but I was right in the middle. Even if my birthday isn't either one of the two, I'm still lucky enough that my birthday has a possibility of being Friday the 13th. In fact, that date column has three 13s in it, and this year, they're all on Friday.

As for discussing my future on Bell Tree Forums for this month, all I'm going to say is that I'm going to work on my first ACNL fanfic. I will tag these under "StarFall Stories", and the first entry won't be until February 3rd (4th if you're from the eastern hemisphere). This month, it will be about the Winter Carnival, where the girls have a huge party of humans visiting StarFall, as they set up a festival with rides, games, and contests.

Last, but not least, I will go over seven interesting facts about February:

  1. February is the only month to have 28 days rather than 30 or 31.
  2. It's also the only month to have an extra day every four years.
  3. Because is has 28 days, February has a whole number of weeks rather than a rational number of weeks.
  4. February is one of the three months that share the same arrangement in a common year. The other two are March and November.
  5. February can be the only month to not have a full moon. When there is no full moon phase in February, there are two blue moons in the year. Next occurrence will be in 2018.
  6. With the exception of the "-ber" months at the end of the year, February is the only month to have a "b" in it.
  7. It's also the only month to have an "f" in it. Coincidentally, it's unique letter is the first letter in the month name. The other month to begin with a unique letter is also a winter month, December.

That's all for the intro blog to February. This month will mostly be about the Winter Carnival fanfic according to the StarFall Press. Stay tuned for February 3rd.
Speak for yourself man, my first winter storm hit in late January. I'm freakin' psyched for the February Winter.