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Giveaway The Fantastical Fantasy Forest TBT giveaway! [WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Congrats, Aquilla, Firesquids, and Mutti!]

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Jul 17, 2013
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Purple Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
100% (98) +

Hello there! As some of you may have noticed from reading my posts, Genshin Impact 3.0 just released, and along with it, Sumeru, which is a nation that's filled with an enchanted forest of its own and lots of plant life. As it happens, the TBT Fair 2022's main theme is an Enchanted Forest. I found this random coincidence to be funny, and so I am going to host my 11th TBT giveaway in the time I've been here in order to commemorate both happenings.

In this giveaway, there will be three winners of 1,750 TBT total. 1st place gets 1,000 TBT, 2nd place gets 500 TBT, and 3rd place gets 250 TBT. It also will NOT be based on a random number generator this time. In order to enter, you must submit a paragraph (at least three to four sentences) on your favorite forest in the world and what you like about it. It can be any forest anywhere in the world at all, but it has to be a real forest. You'll have until September 10th, 2022, a Saturday, at 11:59 p.m. US EST to enter! After the deadline to enter ends, I will read through each of the entries again and decide which ones I like the best, and I will announce the winners.

Best of luck!

1. Croconaw
2. Gene.
3. Sarah3
4. JellyBeans
5. Aquilla
6. Valzed
7. Mutti
8. Xara
9. Millysaurusrexjr
10. Firesquids
11. nageki
12. Foreverfox
13. Kattea
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My favorite forest would have to be the Kaibab National Forest. It’s located in the Grand Canyon. I was an employee for a very short time at the Grand Canyon. I really got to enjoy the scenery and what it had to offer considering my phone service was non-existent, hence why I put my two weeks in. It forced me to get out and enjoy the outdoors, otherwise I would’ve been cooped up in a room with nothing.

It was a great place to walk and it makes me wish I took pictures. I took a total of two pictures, neither of which were in the actual forest. This forest was one of the more notable parts of the Grand Canyon. I’ve taken long walks before to get to the general store. The closest store was about twenty minutes, and the closest major city is actually St. George, Utah. This was a remote location and it really makes you appreciate the scenery when you’re without a distraction.

I definitely would not have seen some of these great sights if I could access the internet. It sort of makes you think what you’re missing out on. Thanks for the giveaway.
Ventiii, you are always so kind to do these giveaways! (also gives me a great opportunity to talk about something I really care ab)

I have never been in a forest because of where I happen to live and those circumstances, but my favourite forest is the Koajiro no Mori Forest in Japan. My partner grew up and spent most of their life in Japan, and doing so got to experience a lot of things like Mount Fuji and the Koajiro no Mori Forest. One day, in the future we plan to go there together for a long trip and one of the things we plan to do is go back to Japan together for a few weeks or so, and one of the things we plan to so its go to this forest! We have watched a lot of vlogs and walkthroughs of specifically this forest along with other nature reserves and mountains together, and it's something we both really look forwards to. I absolutely love nature and things like hiking trails and parks, and since it's something I can't experience rn, when I get to it will be even more enjoyable.

小網代の森 WalkThrough this is one of the videos we watched together, it's very beautiful if you'd like to check it out!
My favorite forest in the world, and one I've actually been to many years ago, is the Daintree Rainforest in Australia. For anyone who hasn't heard of this place before, I encourage you to look it up! It even inspired the big-time movie Avatar over a decade ago. I went zip lining through the canopies, and spotted dozens of different types of flora and fauna. As I reminisced about this incredible trip I made with my family, I just learned that it's recognized as the oldest tropical rainforest in the world. Seems like I'm learning more and more about it all the time! Can't wait to go back someday!
you are too generous with these giveaways!!

while i can't remember the exact name, my favourite would probably have to be this rainforest in the Osa peninsula in Costa Rica. I visited there three years ago as part of a longer conservation trip around Costa Rica, but this was definitely my favourite part! we were there for about 3? nights, and during the days we would do all sorts of things. alongside just walking through the forest to see what species we could spot, we built birdhouses and went and put them up around the forest, we helped build a greenhouse to house more plant species, and set up camera traps in order to hopefully capture some footage of what still remains in the forest. the whole goal basically is to better understand the forest to see what the diversity levels are and help increase them. even if i hadn't enjoyed being part of this so much, the memories i associate with that entire trip is enough to easily make this my favourite forest!
Wow, this comes at exactly the right moment because I found a new favourite forest only two days ago! I’m currently on a backpacking trip through Scotland and the other day I walked through the most gorgeous and magical forest I’ve ever seen. I’ve taken some pictures so I’ll insert one here:


The picture doesn’t do it justice at all though! The forest floor is cushioned with this soft, pillowy moss that feels all bouncy under every step. In between the moss blooms wonderful heather as far as the eyes could reach, in vibrant shades of purple and lilac. The trees, tall and slender, with almost purplish bark and the gorgeous blue-green foliage look absolutely stunning! Large blue dragon flies were dancing through the air, sitting on the blossoms and pebbles on the path. I stopped every few steps to marvel at the beauty of that forest. If i hadn’t been for the swarm of mosquitoes making dinner out of me I would have loved to pitch my tent on a bed of cloud-like moss between the magical heather 💜 I created a pallette from the images straight away because I really want to use it in future paintings.

As always, thank you for your generosity Venti - that’s such s lovely giveaway once again!
What a fun & generous giveaway! Thank you for hosting it!

My favorite forest is right here in the state that I live in - New Jersey. Here in South Jersey we have the Pine Barrens. I first fell in love with the Pine Barrens when I read a book about the Jersey Devil (or Leeds Devil) as a kid in grade school (way back in ye olde 1970s - yes, I'm heckin' old). I've always loved ghost stories and stories about cryptozoological beings. The possibility that one of those beings might be right here in my state blew my mind. I joined Girl Scouts not long after reading about the Pine Barrens. I was delighted to learn that there was a Boy Scout camp that we Girl Scouts used right in the Pine Barrens! Camp Inawendiwin was (and still is) a huge camp where both sets of scouts would spend time during the year. I was so excited on my first Girl Scout camping trip to the Pine Barrens! The Barrens were (and still are) beautiful. During the day we went on nature hikes to locate native flora & fauna. We swam in the lake and climbed the rope bridges. I really learned so much about my home state that I had never known. At night we told ghost stories and of course we talked about the Jersey Devil. Laying awake at night in our tents listening to the sounds of the forest was magical. There were no lights, no traffic noise, no radios, TVs or anything like that. It was so peaceful. It was also fun to imagine the rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs to be the Jersey Devil coming to see who was in its woods. I loved my time in Girl Scouts and those trips. After aging out of Girl Scouts, I did go back a few times as an adult for day trips. Sadly, since I became disabled in 2001, I haven't been able to go back again. I don't mind though. I still remember the smell of the forest and have the amazing memories of my times there. To be honest, even all these years later, I still hope that the Jersey Devil really is out there in the Pine Barrens - keeping far away from us humans and keeping watch over the forest.

🦧Samboja Lestari - Indonesia🦧

this forest was once becoming nothing due to deforestation and illegal logging, while being home to many species but my favourite the orangutang, over the last decade one charity who is very close to my heart started purchasing land in and around the area and started ro replant trees to reforest the area and set up the rescue centre for abused and neglected orangutan's which gives them a rehab place in a close to their natural home as possible

Borneo Orangutan Society rescue, rehabilitate and release orangutans in to protected national parks and forests. Due to reforestation creating the perfect environment and bringing back natural weather patterns to the area they have been releasing dozens of rehabilitated orangutan's back to there natural home.

this forest being home to so many of the released and children of released orangutan's is the main reason i chose this forest as it is charity owned and run, reforested and protecting vulnerable orangutangs in their natural homes where they should be

This forest in idonesia is my choice, it is doing so much good for the world, and so much for the animals i love so 👏🦧

Charity Logo for reference

p.s thanks for hosting this giveaway
🇨🇷☁️🌲 monteverde cloud forest 🌲☁️🇨🇷


i had to do some research for this as i honestly don’t (or didn’t, since i do now lol) know much about forests, but the monteverde cloud forest has quickly become my favourite after reading about it and seeing how breathtaking it is! cloud forests are unique ecosystems as they actually represent less than 1% of the earth’s forests, and this one is considered a gem and one of costa rica’s seven wonders!

i love how unique and magical-feeling this forest is, but the main thing that made it my favourite is its wildlife and biodiversity! this cloud forest inhabits more than 3,200 species of plants (including over 500 orchid species, which is more than any other place in the world has!), 425 bird species, 120 mammal species, 60 amphibian species and 101 reptile species! it’s even home to endangered critters such as the three-wattled bellbird.

out of all the life in this forest, the resplendent quetzal bird and the golden toad are the most fascinating to me. once considered a god by the aztecs, the resplendent quetzal bird is rare but beautiful, and only lives in the cloud forests of central america. the golden toad has only ever been found in the monteverde cloud forest, but its believed to be extinct as its last sighting was 1989. there seems to be hope that they’re still out there, though!
resplendent quetzal bird

three-wattled bellbird

golden toad

sorry for the long ass post — i learnt so many cool facts about this forest that i couldn’t help but share them all. 😅 but thank you for hosting yet another insanely generous giveaway, riley, and good luck to everyone! ♥️
THis is such a cool giveaway Venti!!! and yet again I am reminded that I really need to get around to playing Genshin again

I don't know of many forests I've actually been to, but I think the closest would be the forested trails in Lincoln Park, Seattle, WA.


not my photograph but look at those steps

The last time I was there was over 10 years ago, but my parents and I would go there all the time. The hike through the forest is quite physically taxing from what I remember, but soooooo pretty. It would make you forget that you were anywhere near the city. And when you loop back to the end of the hike, you can go down to the beach which is rocky, rather than sandy, and if it's low tide you can beach-comb and look at all the cool starfish and other creatures. Lincoln Park is definitely one of the things I miss most about Washington State!

ANYWAY if this doesn't count I understand, it's an awesome giveaway regardless!

i really need to go in forests more

A panorama of the confluence (larger images of individual falls in spoiler)

While I can't speak for any forest I haven't visited, my personal favorite is Capital Forest in Washington state. This borderline magical location hosts my go-to camping site. There is this incredible spot at the end of a relatively short hike uphill called Porter Falls. It is the confluence where two branches of the creek come together and form a trio of waterfalls all around you. Capital Forest is home to a wide array of interesting flora, and with plants and mushrooms being a huge passion of mine, along with photography, these woods are a gold mine of inspiration to me. It really is enchanting to behold. Bellow are some pictures I've taken over my last couple trips there.


Waterfall on the left

Waterfall in the center

Waterfall on the right

The clover looking plants here I recently learned are actually "oxalis", and they're edible! They taste like sour green apple candy.

My favorite flower Indian pipe plants (also known as corpse plants or ghost plants) make their home here, they are a unique flower (related to blueberries) which produce no chlorophyll so the grow on the shady forest floor. Instead of getting energy from the sun, they actually parasitize a kind of fungus that feeds on trees.

There's a bench here that says"LEAGalizE RANCh" a message I think we can all agree with.



A couple of shots on the trail leading to the falls

A happy little fern covered in spores.




Many mushrooms I don't know the names of.

My mycologist friend told me this is called "Witch's butter"

A garter snake friend!

Some large and very recognizable aminita mushrooms
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