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I don't like tanning, and I hate being in the sun because it gives me really bad headaches. I mean... One, I'm naturally blonde, so I have very very pale skin, so usually when I go on holiday, my skin goes like a pinky colour as opposed to a tan colour. It does not look good. I also get lots of freckles when it's sunny, like across my nose and my cheeks... Which I also hate. xD And yeah. It does not suit me at all, and I don't like it, either. I just prefer being pale. Not saying that having tanned skin is bad, it's just bad for me. :x
i like tanning, my skin is already an olive tone but i like being a little darker in the summer.
*steps outside* *gets burned* Everyone else in my family tans really easily but all I do is burn, I don't think I will ever be tan-ish. I don't think I want to be tan though, I think it might look weird on me lol.
I'm tan naturally, but if I spend time in the sun I turn a nice bronze colour uwu
I'm Middle-Eastern, so I have a pretty tan complexion anyway. But I NEVER go in the sun, lol...like I HATE the sun. So I'm the palest possible color for me. And TBH, I feel prettier with a little more color.

I like sunless tanners best. My favorite is by Alba Botanica. It's cruelty free, and it's build-able, so you can customize it. It's not orange, it doesn't smell bad, and it's as natural as you could ask for a tan that comes in a plastic container. :)

When I'm just looking for something natural, I also love to do tea tanning. You just brew a bunch of tea bags and rub them all over your skin. After it dries, it stains your skin, a BEAUTIFUL glowy color. But then you shower and it's gone. I've never done my whole body, although I've put it in a spray bottle, and I've been able to spray my booty pretty well. :p Maybe if a friend helped you, you could do it all over.
My skin looks like the boarder of this website- just barley pigmented. I suppose I could tan easily, if I actually spent some good time in the sun, but I'm ginger so I burn first then get like 5% darker. And if I did tan, I'd have short lines so I don't bother .-.

^^Omg I've never heard of tea tanning, now I can use all those british teabags I have in my cabinet...
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*steps outside* *gets burned* Everyone else in my family tans really easily but all I do is burn, I don't think I will ever be tan-ish. I don't think I want to be tan though, I think it might look weird on me lol.

I have the same thing going on as you. I used to want a tan and tried like tanbeds, but they bore the crap out of me.
I just decided to embrace my paleskinned me.
Omg I've never heard of tea tanning, now I can use all those british teabags I have in my cabinet...

Just don't use green tea...unless you want to look like the Wicked Witch of the West. XD

(I actually have done this unintentionally, cuz I put cold green teabags on my eyes sometimes, for puffiness and it makes the skin all green. lol)
I am so pale and burn really easy :( I don't really tan because I need to wear a lot of sunscreen and reapply constantly. I have embraced my paleness although I am super jealous of those who have a natural tan and tan easily!
i wish i could tan easily in the sun
my skin is too pale for my liking but w.e
I did when I was 16-19 I worked at a tanning place so was pretty dark for a bit, but no never since or again. I can't now anyway because of heat issues but I have really fair skin and I get a lot of compliments on it, so I personally just like to look naturally me. I can't do out in the heat long anyway but the fair look with my dark hair suits me anyway. But nothing against it, I just like my look as is.
Nope nope nope. I hate, no abhor, tanning. I've seen what tanning can do to the skin....no thanks. I embrace my pale and 100spf. :)
If I tan, I end up going Oompa-Loompa Orange. Not pretty.

There are many great spray tans, tho.
My grandmother always wore sun screen and barely sun bathed and her skin is beautiful! She is 80 years old and her skin glows. That is my life goal. I have always Tanned easy but now I always wear sun screen. I hope I look half as good as my Grammy at 80!
I've never cared to tan my skin, though I'm sure I could if I wanted to. I am happy with my white skin though already cause it isn't actually that pale.