Suggestions for my town


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2013
Hey! I have a favor to ask. My town is a hideous mess right now and I need some help figuring out what to do with it. The path isn't even halfway complete (laid out but some spots are mismatching), there are a bunch of items by my train station, the main room of my house is kind of a mess right now, all the other houses are undeveloped, and pretty much all the flowers and bushes are randomly placed. So, I'm looking for some suggestions as to what to do (I'm going to be cleaning up the gyroids and items laying about as soon as I make some storage space, so you don't need to mention that). I can get pretty much any furniture you have to suggest for any of the houses, and I have all my dream villagers except for one. If you're willing to help me out, my Dream Address is 4500-2417-6047.

Any suggestions/ideas are much appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Didn't visit your dream town because I'm restarting but here are my tips. This is what Ive always done, and it's always worked for me. Not a huge expert on houses, but here's for the town itself.

- Kick up all the paths. All of them. Decide on one path you want, figure out what character you're storing it on, scan it, and lay it down. It takes less than an hour. Cover the cobbles in front of re-tail, town hall, the station, and the plaza. Connect them. Then make paths to the beach ramps and bridges. Then branch them out to villager/resident houses.
- Chop every tree, save the fruit.
- Put your flowers on the beach until you're ready for the next step.
- Once your paths are laid, plant flowers/bushes/whatever directly next to the paths all around. This will take some time to get enough flowers!!
- Behind the flowers, plant your trees. Fruit trees, regular saplings, cedar saplings. I always do a perfect fruit orchard.

I swear after you do these few things your town will look SO much better. It makes my town, in less than a day, go from looking like it belongs to a 10 year old, to comparable to the tumblr dream towns that get 1000+ notes. Start there and PM me if you need help! I can come visit over wi-fi and help you figure out where to put things/move flowers/etc.
I visited your dream town. Where did you find those grass patterns? I like them a lot. I have a grass pattern but I am starting to hate it. I need to replace it.

Anyway, I think your biggest issue is actually the plants. Most of them feel very randomly placed. This mostly applies to the flowers, but you also have some bamboo in some very random places. The bushes feel a bit weird too. I think it's mainly that you have too many of them and/or they're not really in any consistent pattern.

My main is to pick up all of your flowers and temporarily put them somewhere else. In your house, in storage, in a museum room, on the beach... doesn't matter. Just get them out of your town. Then walk around and try to figure out what sort of look you want to pull off in different areas. For example, you have random flowers around your flower clock. Pick one flower type and color and put all of that around it. I think purple roses could look good there, but you can pick whatever you think looks best.

You can also make designs. For example, I have the lighthouse project. I have a square of yellow lillies around it. Then I have a square of red lillies around that. You could do something similar around your windmill if you wanted.
Thank you very much for the feedback! I'm redoing everything right now, so when it's done, I'll post it here.