Rural? Urban? Why?


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Dec 22, 2016
Would you live in a rural or an urban area? Explain your reasoning?​
Please don't make this into a political thread. Respect each other, please.
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Rural but close enough to get to shops. Where I live is pretty Rural, out in the boonies. We have to drive 30mins to the grocery store, and and hour plus to any real stores like target or clothing stores. We have Safeway and Walmart 30mins away, but it's still a distance to go so I order like everything online. -_- it's nice, I mean I prefer it to the hustle and bustle of city life because I used to live right downtown in a more relevant city, a tourist trap, and it's a huge difference. I would like to be in a better rural area, meaning where they rural actually shows, like more in the woodsy or near the ocean kind of rural, cause I mean we're in the mountains but it's kind of in the butt crack of nowhere.
Right now I live in a very urban area. My apartment is close enough to a shopping center and my job that I can walk which is great because I don't have a car in the first place. I like where I live - I don't have a yard to take care of and everything I need is close by.

I don't think I would mind living in a rural area later in my life as long as it was reasonably close to a city or a town. Right now it's just way more convenient to live in a big city.
Overall I prefer living in an urban area because it's where I lived my whole life. However, I wouldn't mind living in a rural area as long as it's close to shops or a city. I couldn't live with having to drive miles and miles if I wanted to go shopping.
i like urban areas more. ive always lived in an urban suburb so it's not like the centre of the city but still very city like which is Nice. rural areas seem rly boring and scary?? i dont like being in the middle of nowhere. we have a summer house in a very rural area and it's ok to stay there for a few weeks but i would never want to live there. too quiet, no people.
you have to take the car to get anywhere, where i live i rarely go by car bc most things are in walking or biking distance and if i need to go further i can take the train or a bus.
I've lived in both urban and rural areas before. I like the convenience of living in the city (things to do, easy access to shops, fast internet etc.) but I just can't stand the traffic and congestion. I definitely need to live in a city that has a good public transportation system. The one thing I miss about living in a rural area is being able to ride my motorcycle down a street with no cars and the breeze in my face :(
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I'm from the backwoods, so I am very comfortable with rural, however, because I have exotic critters, I need to live in more urban areas. Both have pros and cons and small rural towns have been fun to visit in the past, but it's more efficient in the long run for me to live somewhere urban. The gas it used to take my family to drive 40 minutes every other week to a Walmart was crazy, especially when stocking up for hurricane season. This goes without saying, but, internet in rural areas also isn't too amazing either.
I live in a rural area and most of the people are very nice here. I'm more comfortable living in rural areas as well.
Urban because rural is boring and there's nothing to do, no good restaurants/stores etc. I've lived in east-central PA for the past few years and its pretty boring. Some rural areas are pretty but I'd never live anywhere that doesn't have public transportation or isn't walkable.
Rural but not too far away from shops. I hate cities cause they are so crowded, loud and dirty.
i live in a rural area even farther out of town. when i say rural i dont mean foresty and quiet its full of abandoned buildings and factories. the people here are scary tho ****ing granola everywhere
Rural. We have a grocery store, a few fast food places, and one gas station. We have stores like Walmart ~15 minutes away, but we don't have major stores such as Target (I've never been in a Target before) If we want to go to a store like that we have to drive for two hours, so we don't. We live though :)
I live in a rural area... It's okay but there are more cons than pros in my opinion. Everything is over 30 minutes away, and that's just the grocery store and small towns. If you need to go to a big store or the movie theater or anything like that, it's close to an hour away. It's an inconvenience. Also, the internet out here is so bad. Most internet service providers won't come out here, so we have to rely on satellite internet where close to nothing works... Want to play games? Nope. Want to watch videos or movies? Too bad. Everything takes forever to load or doesn't load at all and the only time it is "fast" is between 2am and 8am but even then it is slow.
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im an urban gorl

rural is ok for vacations if you know someone whos got private property

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currently i live in a suburb tho. when i start college ill be in a city
I live living in suburbs or mid to small sized towns. Rural life just seems like a nightmare to me. I don't want to live out in the middle of nowhere. I like civilization.
Rural, that's where I lived all my life; the suburbs. I don't really like the city, it makes me scared for some reason.
I'd rather live in a rural area but like at most 20 minutes away from town. My reasoning would be because it just seems a lot nicer and more peaceful. The air would be cleaner, too.
Rural. We have a grocery store, a few fast food places, and one gas station. We have stores like Walmart ~15 minutes away, but we don't have major stores such as Target (I've never been in a Target before) If we want to go to a store like that we have to drive for two hours, so we don't. We live though :)

Is your market and gas station super over-priced? We have a small market where I live but we're easily paying twice as much for groceries there, so it's either pay in gas to go 30mins to Safeway/Walmart or spend out the butt for the convenience... And our one gas station is super over priced too, but when you get out to where the Walmart is it's way cheaper, and then you go into a more populated area beyond that and it gets even cheaper still... Sucks that they know they can up-charge like crazy because we have nowhere else to go. -_-

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I'd rather live in a rural area but like at most 20 minutes away from town. My reasoning would be because it just seems a lot nicer and more peaceful. The air would be cleaner, too.

Bless. Got some of the cleanest air in California where I live, and NO light pollution. I get to see the Milkway every single night! <3 <3
Is your market and gas station super over-priced? We have a small market where I live but we're easily paying twice as much for groceries there, so it's either pay in gas to go 30mins to Safeway/Walmart or spend out the butt for the convenience... And our one gas station is super over priced too, but when you get out to where the Walmart is it's way cheaper, and then you go into a more populated area beyond that and it gets even cheaper still... Sucks that they know they can up-charge like crazy because we have nowhere else to go. -_-

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Bless. Got some of the cleanest air in California where I live, and NO light pollution. I get to see the Milkway every single night! <3 <3

the gas station stays the same as the others nearby but sometimes at the grocery store it's overpriced