Release day plans.

I will probably hit the snooze button a couple of times, then I will finally get up from the cat putting its cold paws on my nose or the back of my neck as I get out of bed and he gets in it. After a shower and possibly some breakfast of one egg, a piece of bacon and some spring onion, I will get dressed in something appropriate for the outside world to see and head down to the local supermarket.
At the supermarket I plan on walking up and down all the isles to make sure I have seen everything - just in case I forgot to purchase something - as well as all the regular items I need like cat food. I think I will be out of deodorant by then, so possibly deodorant will also be on my shopping list as well! Good times.
Usually I stop in to visit the old lady who lives next door on my day off, just to make sure she is still breathing. So I will do that once I get back from the supermarket and take some biscuits over that I got cheap for her and have a cup of tea with her. liptons I suspect.
When we have finished up it should be close to lunch so I will get read to make some lunch, if its cold enough it will be some soup! mmm chicken maybe. Then when I am making lunch I usually log into TBT to see whatup with the homies and I suspect that is when I will realise that New Leaf has finally come out. I will go bat**** crazy and run to the car, then realise I forgot to turn off the food from cooking and have to run back into the house and scaring the crap out of the cat cause he isn't used to people running in the house. Get back into my car and drive to the local EB where I asked for my game to be held for me. Scream at random people about how they lack the necessary brain cells to use an indicator, or for pulling out of a park as I'm trying to drive past them. Once I crazily park in a weird angle over two parks, or decide to use the handicap zone (cause there is always like 100 of them empty all the time). I will jaunty on into the shops and peruse my selection of Isabella and physical copies of NL that I have to choose from before selecting the likely culprits. Slamming them into my 3DS and sitting in the middle of the shop in absolute drug fixed bliss as I become mayor of my new town.

Your post was so detailed. I read it all and it inspired me greatly to follow suit with my own detailed release day plans.

On June 9th, at approximately 00:01 military time, I will be lying in the barracks of my room. Preparing for the battle ahead of course. A cold shiver will run down my spine at approximately 00:09, as my mind and body twist and turn in preparation. I will get up for a glass of water and a cookie, and make my way back to the barracks to sleep.
At approximately 06:49 my eyes shall open in a scary movie-esque vampire type motion. I will get up, let my parrot out of his cage for exercise, and struggle to eat breakfast while she pecks at my face and squawks violently in my right ear. After being pooped on 3 or 4 times, I will get fed up and put my baby Kiwi back in her cage.
I will proceed to place my shirt, which has been pooped on, in the hamper after cleaning. I will then finish my breakfast, most likely consisting of microwavable pancakes/cereal, and yogurt/fruit. (hopefully pineapple greek yogurt and watermelon). I will make my way to the shower, brush my teeth, and prepare for the day ahead.
At approximately 09:12 I will be preparing the piles of games/phones/ipods I found in strange corners of my humble abode. In a dreadful combination of clothing, I will begin the quest of forcing others to bring me to GameStop. At which point I will trade in games and such to get store-credit off my purchase.
Then moment that the door opens to GameStop, I will rush in, cackling madly, throwing money and games at the hungover cashier. After 15 or so minutes of bartering with the GameStop employee, I will receive my Animal Crossing: New Leaf, 3DS XL bundle. I will hopefully purchase a Prima guide, and a 3DS XL case.
I will drive home, stuff various amounts of food in my face, and rush to my room to begin my journey as mayor. I will most likely check TBT before and after my trip to GameStop. I will spend the rest of the day not taking care of my vast amounts of responsibilities in life, and instead taking care of my AC:NL responsibilities. I will most likely eat a variety of fattening foods while doing any and all of these actions.
New Plan:

On June 8th, I'll try to go to bed as early as possible. But, since the next day is June 9th, that won't happen. I'll probably go to bed at 3 am and wake up at 8 or 9. Then, I'll stumble out of bed, drag myself down the steps, and eat a bagel or an english muffin. After eating breakfast, I'll drag myself upstairs to get ready for 10 o' clock Church, still exhausted from last night. After getting dressed, I'll check my laptop, only to find that New Leaf was released today! All the energy will come rushing back to me, and I'll ditch my Church clothes and throw on a t-shirt and some shorts. Then I'll run out the door with my pre-order receipt and 3DS in hand, mom in tow, and force her to drive me to GameStop. When the cashier gives me my game, I"ll start crying of joy and then he'll look at me all wierd. My mom will have to push me out of the store after I pay because I'll still be crying, and then I'll play in the car on the way home and all day until 4:15, when it's time to go to swim practice. Then, I'll play it on the way to swim practice with my friend who I carpool with who also plans on getting it. Then, I'll put it in my swim bag and force myself to forget about it for the next hour and a half. Then, I'll give myself another 30 minutes with it on the way home. Once I get home, I'll lock my 3DS in a cabinet and force myself to study for at least an hour for the huge Math test I'll have the next day. Once that's done, I'll be exhausted, drag myself to bed, and end up staying up till 3 AM again playing New Leaf. Then, the next day, I'll try not to fail my math test. xD
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On June 9th, I shall wake up, all sleepy like, from a dream. After checking on my Swapnote and my deviantArt, I shall check on you guys, and get a first glimpse of the early birds that downloaded it last night, all while in the middle of a Froot Loop breakfast. After donning a tie-dye shirt, and one of my favorite hats, and a pair of sandals, the wait to 11am shall start. Upon 11am, the ride starts, me getting in the backseat (If my cousin decides to go.) Being I live in a church-oriented town, the local Gamestop doesn't open until noon...

Upon entering the Gamestop, I start to dig out my pre-order receipt, and I hand it over to the punk-looking, yet gentle hearted employee. Or I scan my eyeballs, looking for New Leaf, snatching it up like a hawk from a National Geographic special... How do pre-order receipts work, again? Anyways, after paying for my purchases, I leave the Gamestop, and head over for the local Wal-Mart for some grocery shopping, where I buy some fried shrimp. I then shall start up the game on the ride home.
I'll be in college (double business studies, then double free studies and finally single media studies) and I reckon learning will keep me distracted for business and media, but in that double free I'll be so bored- I am really tempted to somehow get a lift home (we are allowed to leave college when we have frees) pick up my copy of the game off the doormat (release day delivery guaranteed) and go back to college and play it over my lunch break...

I'm now thinking if I can't get a lift home, instead of just going straight home to play I'll go to my irl local post office and grab a whole ton of celebratory chocolates and sweets! (Plus I need to get some cheaper snacks for my trip to a Uni open day the day after release... Taking my 3DS with me for that as I'm going to London so it should be Streetpass heaven!)
I'll be sure to leave my 3DS charging while I'm in college so that it will have a full charge :)
June 8th I'll force myself to go to sleep early. If I don't, I won't be able to get up at the time I want.
But knowing me I'll most likely wake at 5 in the morning. Having nothing to do, I'll listen to music for 2 hours while also trying not to check Tumblr.
At 7:30 I'll drag my carcass out of bed, shower and get dressed. No breakfest today my friends.
Once 7:50 rolls around I'll drag my mom out of bed and beg her for a ride over to Target (since it opens at 8 and we have a 20% discount.)
I'll use my remaining early morning energy to run over to the game section and guard my copy of New Leaf.
Then once I buy it, I'll go home and lock myself into my bedroom and play for most of the day.
Since I have finals that week, there will be an effort to study.
After I study and once finals are gone, its Animal Crossing time baby.
Lol @ Eirynfox and Sleepy.

I'm not going into that much detail xD
Wait for Gamestop to open > get game(s) > pass out, because of not sleeping from excitement.
Come to think of it.

June 8th - Drunk
June 9th - awake after drunken slumber, play NL all day.

This is just alright with me.
Store at 10am, home by 11am, open game case carefully, insert game into 3DS XL, start playing, and maybe make a video for my first day of play.
Hm, if I took the extreme route for release day plans:

-Stay up all night and day waiting for NewLeaf
-On release day steal a car and ram into the GameStop building
-Take said game, but find out later that I only have the case since that's the only thing they have on the sales floor
-Get caught by the cops
-Sit in jail thinking about my life choices, then pass out from lack of sleep.
I plan spending most of the day watching my brother play it since he's getting it digitally. Then later that night I will cry myself to sleep.
1. Wake up
2. Get dad/friend to bring me to Gamestop and get the game
3. Go home, start resetting for perfect town/play if I find it
4. At noon, go to my high school graduation
5. Cry continuously and say goodbye to teachers and friends
6. Hang out with friends etc
7. Go home, play New Leaf
8. More New Leaf and graduation dinner
9. More New Leaf until the end of time

Great day to me! :D
-Wake up and remeber I'm stuck in a camper
-Cry because New Leaf was released today
-Sit through an 8 hour drive until I get back to my moms house
-Sream of joy when I'm finally home
-Cry again because my New Leaf bundle isn't here yet
-Sleep until my game arrives
-Wake up and remeber I'm stuck in a camper
-Cry because New Leaf was released today
-Sit through an 8 hour drive until I get back to my moms house
-Sream of joy when I'm finally home
-Cry again because my New Leaf bundle isn't here yet
-Sleep until my game arrives

hehe this made me laugh! I'm so happy other people seem to have planned out their day too!
My sister and I both pre-ordered from EBGames in December 2011. We'll be playing together over pizza. :)
Sounds like everyone has big plans!
If BB has release day delivery I'll be at a bridal shower on the 9th. Basically I plan to get drunk off mimosas and then stumble off the train and into my role as Mayor. My town is truly lucky to have me as their ruler.

I imagined a friend of mine's OC who's name is Bea, stepping off the train in that fashion...

Anyways, I preordered back in January. Think I should be alright using the pre-order slip?
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I imagined a friend of mine's OC who's name is Bea, stepping off the train in that fashion...

Anyways, I preordered back in January. Think I should be alright using the pre-order slip?
As long as you have proof that you preordered it (Receipt or Preorder slip, however the store does it) they will give you your game and all you have to do is pay what is remaining, assuming you haven't paid in full.
If you paid in full then they'll give you your game.
I'll just bike over to Gamestop and buy the bundle along with some Hawaiian food from a restaurant next door to eat while I do the system transfer stuff and whatnot. Nothing too special besides that I guess.