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recurring dreams?


kpop junkie
Aug 16, 2015
does anybody here have a recurring dream - if so, what?

mine is always in a toilet or changing room, with varying amounts of stalls but often verging on having a lot, way more than a normal toilet block would have, except I can never get comfortable in a stall. either the door isn't tall enough so you can see over the top, or there's significant gaps in the stalls, or it's too busy, I just get stuck in an endless loop of findng a stall, thinking it's better than the last, finding out it's not then moving onto another stall or waiting until people disperse and leave. it's weird as hell, I don't particularly know why I have this dream a lot as I'm relatively body confident, and even though I don't really like using public loos it's rather because they're often dirty rather than all the problems I encounter in the dream.
My god yes - I have two that occur at least weekly.

1. I'm back in high school taking a test or doing a presentation in a class I never attended.
2. All of my teeth are falling out.

Maybe I have anxiety problems?
theres this one dream i had when i was around seven i believe, or at least from when i was in elementary school..not sure how to explain it, but its like this dream house where the environment is really serene & peaceful, floating books as stairs, huge room, etc etc..its weird. the point is that it was a calming dream at the time. i had a different dream but in that same setting a few weeks ago and i specifically remember that my first thought in the dream was 'holy sh-t, i havent been here since i was a kid' and i was basically "reliving" that same dream from back then..i got pretty emotional over that when i woke up lol..
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I had a relatively creepy one just recently this year....

I appeared in this cube-shaped room with no doors, and the walls, ceiling, and floor are all pure white majestic marble. In the center of the room was a medium-sized solid block of marble as like a table or an alter, and there were 10 perfectly-square slots all in a row in its center. And behind it was an old looking lady, she looked like a gypsy almost. She handed me a sachet and told me to set them in the right order, and I would gain freedom? I didn't get it but I took it and inside were 10 marble dice with only a single number on them (numbers 1 through 10), so I thought maybe it's a password or a code I know? Well here comes the horror part: I set the dice inside the slots in the alter/table and when they're all in, the lady looks at me with red glowing eyes and says it's incorrect, and I wake up (usually in the middle of the night ugh) Sooo I fall back asleep and when I'm asleep I appear in the room again. Same scenario over and over every night with everything the same, and I tried everything: beating up the gypsy (I know karate LOL), asking her for help, trying to get out of the room, but it's the same thing over and over. I asked her to do it for me finally, and she did and it stopped.

It was the most vivid and creepy dream I had for many years too :/
I know when I'm dreaming, so I like to change them so there hilarious. Usually I just fly out the room and image I'm flying over the world. That's a good one.
I had a dream where I met some of the users I met on here, in reality. But not really, it was a dream.
I have a reoccurring dream where I'm back in the house I lived in when I was in middle school. The room I had had a big window that looked into our backyard where we had a pool and lots of trees and room to run around. In my dream, I'm in my room and I feel the house start shaking. It freaks me out and I hear stuff going on outside. When I look out my window into the backyard, I can see the water in the pool making waves from all the tremors. Then the pool splits in half and basically a huge fault opens up the earth right in my backyard. It's all pretty crazy and I've had the dream multiple times in my life even after moving out of that house.

I also have had dreams that I had when I was kinda young, but then when I get older, the dream finishes itself. It's so strange because I'll completely forget I ever had that dream until the whole thing gets finished in a later dream, and then I remember the whole story. It's so freaky.
A reoccurring dream I have is that I am hosting Elvis's birthday party. He always shows up with his wife in a white limo with gold decals with his wife and its always the same cake; vanilla with "Happy Birthday Elvis" on it, and i always picked out his outfit for him to wear to the party. I had the dream about 5-6 times already, always the same thing. I had the dream last night, but this time, his wife was gone. Apparently she passed away. His manager was there, and chose someone from our family to be his new wife. He picked my Aunt Jackie, lol! But i chose a cheerleading costume for him to wear! haha!

I don't know what the heck is wrong with my imagination, but its a pretty entertaining dream, lol
Me, HardyHarHarHar, L CocoaBean and TheCreeperHugz acting/playing as characters. Like: K-On, Nichijou, Mob Of The Dead etc...
My reacurring dreams usually involve me forgetting to take care of pets/kids/big projects for months until I suddenly remember about it. Sums up my responsibility pretty vividly. :v
I have a lot of them, but the one I have the most is. I live in this huge house. Theres an area of it that's haunted. I try not to go in the haunted area, but I always end up there somehow. I never see anything, but I can feel an evil presence.
yea this black dog with a collar with silver spikes snaps at me and i wake up
i usually dont remember dreams but i got this one in 3rd grade once and then again in 10th (last yr)
I used to have recurring nightmares, but not dreams.

I have the typical "i'm running away from someone who's chasing me" nightmares. And I used to get this one about witches eating my toes/fingers when I was really young. But I don't get them anymore. I can't still remember it though. There was an invisibility potion thrown in there as well :'D

Oh, the I am falling thing happens a lot too. I wouldn't call that a dream or a nightmare though. More of a... sensation?
I used to get those teeth falling out dreams all the time. I find it fascinating that it seems like it's a common theme, in addition to dreams of falling. I haven't had any reoccurring dreams lately though....that I can remember anyway.
Apparently I'm the only one that literally never has dreams. I just fall asleep and I wake up the next morning.
Sometimes I dream of the same place few nights consecutively...
I have two, and both are awful.

First one is every time I get stressed I have a dream about physically ripping all of my teeth out of my gums, sometimes they start just falling out then I start pulling them out and break them and bleed, a lot. It's very graphic and it usually starts as something normal then I just go to the bathroom and start ripping them out over the sink...

Second dream I've had a few times is me and my S.O. at a fertility clinic being told I can't have babies, think the opening scene to Up, but me instead. It's really terrible cause my Aunt had to have her uterus removed and my sister has endometriosis so it makes me think it's true, I also wake up crying from this dream all the time...
The teeth falling out ones are awful they always feel SO real... I once had that dream around christmas time and I had a shard of a candy cane on my bed frame and I woke up from that dream and saw the candy cane piece and thought it was one of my molars I was freakin out lol
I don't really get recurring dreams that much anymore but lately I've been getting real messed up dreams and the recurring theme I guess would be I'm in some sort of life threatening danger and I wake up right before I should probably have died in my dream.... cheery

edit: also something I've been doing lately is when I have a particularly weird dream I write it down on my notes app on my phone once I wake up and it's fresh in my mind and if I go back to the note I can actually like... replay the images of the dream it's kinda neat
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