Question about Perfect Town Status


Savvy Ground Traveller
Jul 16, 2013
I have 15 PWP but some of them are of similar PWP's like I have two yellow chair, etc. Does this count as one since Isabelle is saying my town is still underdeveloped and needs more PWP's

Also I also read that there are limit on trees, is this true? If so, are Bamboos and Palm trees (Banana and Coconut) included in the count?

Can anyoneone please do check my town to see what is wrong here? My dream address is 4000-2409-1768

I am really lost right now.
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Doing two of the same PWP is not actually a good idea for getting a perfect town, and in general trees mainly refer to the actualy fruit/sapling trees :) Hope that helped
I believe there has to be a balance between PWP's and trees. I had 10/11 PWP's and probably around 30/40 trees in every acre (almost making it impossible to move) so I cut down all the trees and placed 10/11 trees in each acre, then I got the Perfect Town status. I think there just has to be a balance. I do believe banana and coconuts count as trees, and bamboo may too as it is planted as a sapling.