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Possible Town Line Ups

Tora Olafsdotter

Senior Member
Dec 17, 2015
Working on rebuilding Cosmos, and have think I have come up with some town line ups for my three towns. I am considering these line ups:

Mystic town - Cosmos

Drago - Lazy - Dragon
Phoebe - Tomboy - Phoenix
Julian - Flamboyant - Unicorn
Octavian - Cranky - Kraken
Hans - Flamboyant - Yeti (I personally believe it's real, but it still counts as a legend)
Muffy - Tomboy - Baa Baa Black Sheep Have You Any Wool
Amelia - Snooty - Thunderbird
Louie - Jock - Bigfoot/Donkey Kong (Might need to adopt)
Molly - Normal - Ugly Duckling (even though she's adorable)
Epona - Peppy - Legend of Zelda

Ethnicities town - Unity:

Pekoe - Normal - Chinese
Ankha - Snooty - Egyptian
Cherry - Tomboy - British
Clay - Lazy - Japanese
Frita - Tomboy - American
Rory - Jock - Mexican
Eugene - Flamboyant - Australian
Croque - Cranky - French
Tammi - Peppy - Madagascan
Erik - Lazy - Canadian

Warrior Town - (Name pending)

Ken - Flamboyant - Ninjutsu
Chester - Lazy - Kung Fu
Bertha - Normal - Sumo Wrestling
Mira - Tomboy - Anime/Magical Girls
Wolf Link - Flamboyant - Traveling Hero
Sterling - Jock - Knight
Rooney - Cranky - Boxing
Agent S - Peppy - Superhero
Diana - Snooty - Amazon Warrior
Shari - Tomboy - Monkey Style kung fu

Now some of the suggestions I want to talk about. I saw the idea to swap out Bertha for Biff, but tbh...I like Bertha more and trying to find another normal for the town is kind of hard. As for why I decided to take Rory over Lucha. While Lucha would make for an amazing villager, and I have never had him before, I really want a lion, as lions are my favorite animal, in one of my towns so I picked Rory, and I am not trying to be racist when I say this, but Rory just has this Mexican look to him. Maybe it's just the moustache, but something about him just feels very Mexican. Also, why is Lucha not going to be in my fightertown? Well.....I thought about it and it came down to either Lucha or Wolf Link, I ultimately had to go with Wolf Link because, while I am not a fan of TP, I love the design of Wolf Link in Animal Crossing, and since I want at least one amiibo villager in the warrior town, I settled on Wolf Link as he is my favorite of the ones I have access to. I almost tried to find a way to try and fit Viche and Cece in but could not find anything.

If you have any questions or ideas please let me know. I would love some input.