pashmina's furniture items?


Apr 10, 2014
hi, i'm really sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask for this!

but i'm wondering if anyone with Pashmina could send me a snapshot of the inside of her house?

i've come to realize the starter villagers will NEVER decorate their house unless you gift them furniture. so the inside is really bare, except for a crafting table and a sleeping bag...

i would love to buy all the furniture she's supposed to have, as well as the track that plays in her house, so i can gift it all to her!

but i need to know what that furniture is, and i can't seem to find it anywhere online haha... so knowing what it looks like would be super helpful!!

at least i was able to find the furniture set for my other starter, kid cat. they're permanent residents and their empty houses compared to the houses of all my other villagers makes me so sad lol

is this a weird request? idk lol but thank you in advance! ;_;