Name 3 things about the above poster.

- You are 10

- You are the Father to Aithycou

- Your in 5th grade.
- likes Bioshock infinite
- likes the colour blue
- is married to GoldenApple I believe

- - - Post Merge - - -

- You are 10

- You are the Father to Aithycou

- Your in 5th grade.

- is
- a
- ninja
- Likes Steven Universe (Peridot is best waifu)

- Has all her dreamies

- Has a kitten named Pumpkin (awww)
- believes that Yuelia likes cookies. who doesn't?
- likes the word Bae
- likes pixlated swag shades

man this thread is fast
1) Lives in Illinois.
2) Was born on August 28th! (that's pretty soon c:<)
3) Knows what the le lenny/ deg deg face is. ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)