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Mystery Island Record Keeping

Made it all the way to 150! Major milestone! I'm really ready to be done with this before 200, but if I must keep going, then I shall. I'll probably take my sweet time after finding Julian or Sasha instead of rushing to get Kyle moved out. Get some fresh air, some mental health recovery time after all this repetitive hunting. And really thinking hard about Marshal too and how he might fit my island.

126. Admiral- Not the most exciting bird, but I like his angry brows and he is a really nice shade of green. Thinking about it, there's not a lot of green villagers are there? Lots more pink and blue ones.

127. Portia- Lovely pupper. I like her spots. Super simple design but also super unique and recognizable. I'm surprised she's not super popular, I don't really see her around.

128. Iggly- I had to look him up to confirm his coloring. It was 5 pm in game and golden hour was making it hard to tell what he looked like. He would have been the most generic penguin ever if he weren't blue. I like his rosy cheeks though.

129. Chevre- She was so close to being as pretty as Nan, but her weird mouth throws me off. Her nose doesn't exist, and her mouth is far enough down that you can't see it unless she's talking, but she still has that animal nostril slit connecting the two. Makes it look like her mouth is a vertical line.

130. Murphy- Here's a green villager! He's a pretty cute little guy. Tiny crankies are so funny to me. I like him.

131. Papi- Welcome back after your visit camping on my island! Pretty horse. Not the horse I want.

132. Bubbles- Goodness, that's not a pretty hippo. Poor thing. I don't know any hippo's that are pretty, actually. Those teeth are terrible.

133. Diva- Return of the fashion queen. She's so weird looking but maybe starting to grow on me a little? I'd rather see her than Gigi.

134. Quinn- The pretty new sisterly! I like her. Eagles are awesome. Purple is a great color. I wouldn't mind having her at all.

135. Mott- Oof, it's Leopold but red and bearded. How does he look like an awkward nerd and a stoner all at once?

136. Cyrano- Those are some intense eyebrows. Wow. I like his coloring, especially the lighter trim on his tail feathers (I know they're not actually feathers but they look that way). I don't mind anteaters, but overall, I don't think I'm a fan of this one.

137. Vic- A viking! That's a lot of fun. Very cool. I approve.

138. Cephalobot- Lol my poor brother.

139. Lobo- Wolf! I think he's cool. I think he's one of the less popular wolves, probably because his purple coloring is so odd. I like him a lot, but I guess he is a lower tier wolf for me, because that's why I didn't pick him...

140. Phoebe- Stunning! I like this phoenix a lot! I can name three magical creature villagers off the top of my head, Phoebe, Hans, and Julian. Is that it? We definitely need more.

141. Boots- His spots are nice. He's got a clown outfit and a great personality, but if they're going to make him a clown, they should paint him up a bit more. A clown gator would have been fun.

142. Shep- My starting smug. Didn't like him much. He just felt weird, and I didn't vibe with him at all. Got rid of him as fast as I could.

143. Kitty- She's cute! Kitty is what Katt wishes she could be. Well, Katt is probably nicer, as an uchi. I remember snooty villagers being meaner in older games, just like crankies.

144. Marina- She's back! I wonder how her bow stays on. There's definitely no hair. Is it glued? Velcroed? ...Suction cupped? I also got the money rock island again. I'm probably going to stop announcing it, because it's not as rare as I thought.

145. Pierce- He wants me to take him home. Big blue eagle, looking for a good home.

146. Fauna- I wonder how many of the big popular villagers I've seen so far. I feel like it's gotta be most of them at this point. I know most people like Fauna.

147. Murphy- But more people should like villagers like Murphy! Still cute. Still cuddly. Still dig him.

148. Ava- The lovely chicken named after my cousin (in-law?) is back too! So many duplicates in a row. Wearing me out. Oof.

149. Shari- Wow, this is a pretty monkey. I like her yellow feet and tail. Almost a basic monochromatic look and then BOOM! Pop of color! I approve.

150. Carrie- Kinda plain. Not for me. Fun fact, did you know kangaroos can't take individual steps? They don't walk, they take little hops to get everywhere. However, they move their legs individually when swimming! So it's not that they can't, but that they don't want to!
151. Sasha

Well then. I complain a little, threaten to get a different villager, and one of them shows up. Sasha has to be the star of the show and be the only one I present from this set of tickets.

I sound a little snarky, but I'm honestly thrilled! I'm so excited to have this little guy on my island. I haven't had a lazy in so long, so it'll be new and refreshing to see him around!

But gosh, my feet hurt from all this walking. Too many islands. I'm going to have to try to remember what I'm supposed to do on my island besides hunt villagers. I think that I'm going to let time progress naturally this time, give myself a little more recovery before the next one. It's 15 days after the new villager is fully moved in before someone asks to leave again. After Wolfgang, I sometimes played two days at a time just to speed things along a bit, but I've got a million flowers to dig up and tons of decorating to do to whip my island into shape. I need to do some serious progress on that before inviting Julian (or maybe Marshall) on board, so he's not showing up to a destroyed island. Gotta show him I deserve for him to be here.

Thanks for everyone's support. I couldn't keep this up without all the motivation I've received, not to mention I would have run out of tickets long before I got to this point. I really appreciate everyone here! I guess that's it for now, so I'll be back again in a few more weeks to get my last villager. Ta ta for now~ hours
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Whoops, I thought I included the picture.
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I'll be starting my third and final hunt soon! Coco has asked to leave, which is forbidden, but it means I can now start on getting Kyle out of the way. I'm gonna miss that guy. I was hoping he'd give me his picture to remember him by before he left, but oh well. If I don't get around to emptying my plot tonight, it'll be a task for tomorrow. Looking forward to getting my last villager and getting my island in order!

P.S. I have made a decision that if I do find Marshall again before Julian shows, I'll happily adopt him instead. Julian is the horse I'm betting on, but I can make it work.
Someone tell me a faster method for getting villagers to leave the island. I'm at the point where they're asking to leave, but I feel like I have to run around for a ridiculous amount of time before someone has a speech bubble over their heads.

So far Coco, Diana (x2), and Genji have asked to leave. Agnes gave me her photo (score!). And Kyle has asked me to deliver a package and to buy his old clothes. He's killing me.
Give them fruit not native to your island, and talk to them a few times

Save and do it all again the next day. Ive had a minimum of fifteen or ten. But it also forces that specific villager out
Kid burned his hand on the stove, so I spent all day yesterday at the emergency room. It's not bad, nothing permanent, just a few little blisters on his fingertips. He's stuck basically wearing an oven mitt made of gauze for the next few days, because you can't convince a 1 year old to not touch things. Otherwise he's in a great mood.

Anyway, this means that Kyle gets to be not-homeless for a few days longer. Good for him!
Villagers leave faster if you have a higher relationship with them. I’d focus on gifts and talking with them more than the rest.
It has been a long two weeks. Won't make any excuses as to why it's taken me so long to get Kyle off my island and get back to hunting, but I will say that I would like to sleep for two weeks. Oof.

Anyway, Kyle is gone. He's been released into the void. I'll miss him greatly, but if I miss him too bad, I can always go blow the dust off my DS and see how things are going in New Leaf.

Let the hunting commence!
1. Benjamin- Crazy how I was just thinking about this guy! I should have been thinking of Julian. I still like him. So odd, with his coloring. Love his eyebrows, red eyes, and white whiskers. Bizarre.

2. Lionel- Ah, the dapper old gent is back as well. I just wish he wasn't looking up all the time, makes him a tad creepy.

3. Velma- The unfortunately ugly goat. I bet there's someone out there who loves her more than anything, but to me, she's kinda... hideous.

4. Midge- What a lovely bird! She's pink and has those baby doll eyes, but she's not stereotypical. I like the swirl of lighter feathers on the back of her head.

5. Boyd- Kind of a plain gorilla. Slightly reddish fur is all he has that's interesting. I like the shaggy fur design around his wrist and ankles. But meh.

6. Pietro- ha ha funny clown go brrr. I have to say this guy is interesting. Depending on how you use him, he's cute and colorful or downright terrifying.

7. Renee- Oh no, the pink thing is back. I'm just playing. She's cool. Not for me at all, but she's cool.

8. Yuka- Wow, this koala is actually really cute. I like the deep blue fur and she's rocking that eyeshadow.

9. Vladimir- Ya know, I think I was somewhat aware that there was a villager out there named Vladimir. If you had asked me to guess what he looked like, I would have been incredibly wrong. Why is he bubblegum colored. Why does he have beaver teeth. Why does a vampire named bear cub not have vampire teeth.

10. Cube- I like him. He's a cute penguin. His eyes are so strange, especially the shape they make when he smiles. They kinda look like screws, so I thought he was a robot for a second.

11. Katt- A famously ugly villager. I honestly don't find her that bad at all. Some villagers are much worse. I have a friend and an aunt both named Kat, so maybe I'm biased.

12. Stitches- Cute stuffed bear! Still love him. Still don't want him.

13. Axel- My starting villager! I had him and Fuchsia at the beginning. Couldn't wait to get rid of him.

14. Bruce- Oh my god, he's beautiful. I've seen him, but I didn't know he was named Bruce. I have a cat named Bruce and now I want him. I need space for more than ten villagers. Help.

15. Ace- I've seen him before. I can't remember my opinions on him and I'm not going to check. I'll assume that means he was plain to me then as well, because he wasn't very memorable.

Bonus Bruce pictures. For some reason, all the good, non blurry pictures are too big for the server to handle so I can't put them on here.


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I have to find a way to fit Bruce on my island now. I want too many villagers and have too little space. But, like, eventually. And I don't think I'll use NMT to find him. After I get Julian or Marshall, that's it. Island hopping is rough on your sanity.

My husband has been letting his little brother borrow his switch for the last few years since he mostly plays PC games. Recently he got it back to play the new LoZ game. I might... "borrow" it to make myself a side island. I can drive myself crazy with two islands I'll never fully finish. (I'll likely not actually do this, but it's nice to think about.)

16. Wendy- Still cute. Love her coloring and cute little buck teeth.

17. Erik- My elk/moose buddy! Hello again, dude.

18. Stu- Aaand this guy. If he keeps showing up, I'll make him into stew...

19. Zoe- Still vibrant and lovely. Still like her, but she's starting to wear on me, showing up so often. Still not as bad as @CylieDanny with Sherb. That was rough.

20. Azalea- I'm not sure who I like more, Zoe or Azalea. Both are so pretty and so refreshing to look at.

21. Harry- This dude looks hilarious. Has he considered trimming that moustache up? It's a little overgrown.

22. Renee- Oh no, the pink thing is back. I'm running out of jokes for her.

23. Pekoe- How adorable!! I think I have her in New Leaf. Or maybe had? Dunno. She's precious, with those big eyes and bun ears.

24. Weber- Plain looking duck, but with enough personality in his expression to make him interesting. Does not look like a lazy at all. Actually, he looks like a female wood duck. That shade of brown is pretty spot on.

25. Mott- Bleh. Ugly lion. Still looks like a weird college student to me.

26. Cleo- O. M. G. So purple. So sparkly. I like her a lot. Pretty horse.

27. Tank- I love the leaf on the back of his head. That leaf is pretty neat. Reminds me of Tangy. Kinda cool how he's sorta plain and looks like a real rhino, then he turns around and BOOM LEAF.

That's a good number for today so far. I'd like to hit 40 by the time I'm done for tonight. Gotta go at a decent pace in case it takes me 150 tickets like it did for Sasha. Please don't let me do this for 3 weeks.
28. Zucker- Hello again, weird octopus boy. You do look tasty, at least.

29. JULIAN- We did it folks! My one of a kind unicorn has been found at last! And with so few tickets too. This is a very exciting day. I thought this would go on muuuch longer. With 413 villagers total, 230 tickets total, and so many duplicate villagers, I haven't seen close to have of them all. It could easily have taken double what I used to get this far!

But I've done it. I found all three of the villagers I wanted. Which means I no longer have a excuse to leave my island looking like trash, and I need to actually decorate it and clean up all these invasive flowers. I swear it, I will have a pretty island! And I'd like to never do this again. (Though I will be honest, there was a teeny, tiny, psychotic part of me that was sad I finished in a single day. I'll blame that on brain damage from previous hunts.)

Thank everyone for watching, and for all the encouragement. If there's anyone out there who would like to try their hand at this, I do have some extra tickets now and would like to pass them on to someone willing to go through this themselves. Farewell for now, folks! I'll have to find an excuse to keep coming back to chat here!

(The internet is spotty at my parents' house, so no pictures right now. I'll have to add them later.)