Auction My last chibi ever [HB: 7.1k] ended

Hnnng thank you! I have updated the op ;.;

Still not fully here yet, I'm just a shadow quietly updating things :rolleyes:

@gnoixaim: Hahah join us and let's play RO together! xD *gets shot*
Ooh! I've played RO in the past, though it was only on private servers since those were free. Think I played as a mage, but it's been so long, I don't remember the classes anymore. XD
Finally, after nearly three days without sleep, I finally finished animation I've been working on for weeks. I don't ever want to see After Effects again lol. *goes into deep hibernation*

Oh sorry to hear you had a rough time ;_; I hope everything is well for you now! Hehe I think most artists feel that way. Just believe in yourself Chibi ;v; *hugs back* I think your art is really adorable :blush:

Wow are there more people with the glitch? I only read about another person who also got invisible Fauna :eek: Didn't know more got the glitch too! It would annoy me so much and I'd reset hahah.

Haha you're still much better than me though, at least you visited the town :p Do you know the glitch town with PWPs inside water? I visited it once and then soft resetted my game lol *super chicken*

Hahah yes try RO, Chibi! It's a fun game. RO was extremely popular when it was released in my country ^^ Plus it also has the cutest slime monsters ever :p I swear they didn't pay me to advertise the game

Haha yes! 3D MMO characters are usually more customisable but sprites feel more charming for some reason!
That made me remember though, besides RO there used to be another 2D MMO in my country, but the graphic was rather... undesirable ^^; It looked like this

You've convinced me on where my next private server will be :p I've been searching for a stable one with high rate for a while but they're pretty hard to come by. Most of the ones I really liked are already gone... I've been on EssenceRO too but the GMs have abandoned the server I think. Haha yes must be tough to be a GM, especially for a large server like Dreamer. What were the complaints about though? Lags? Scammers? :eek:

Me too! Assassins are tricky haha. They die really easy and the poison skills are weird. But at least they look cool lol. Do you have an alchemist? I really love their design, but I never know how to properly play one ^^;

Aw your characters are really adorable! I especially love that Melody gif. Must be fun planning which hats goes with which colour lol xD She looks super cute with the bunny hat. You can never have too much pink =P Hahah your headgear selections are fabulous.

Ack. What are those floating porings you have around Melody? So adorable. I need. Want. I've never seen them in the servers I played. Most of the custom items I know were weird looking wings and auras ;_;

Speaking of outfits... I used to have one favourite set.

I still really love how that recoloured wedding dress looked with the devil hat. Kinda makes her looks like a monster bride or something haha. It was annoying to keep taking off the dress before combat, but it was oh so worth it.
Lol don't worry, I always ramble when I start talking about RO myself xD But I love looking at your characters. Serika is so pretty! Her colour goes really well with the alpaca hahah.

And gah thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked my entry. I love yours too, definitely one of my favourites :blush: I'm bummed that you only missed one vote >.< The villagers look great in your style, I especially love how you draw Felicity <3

You've played it too?! :O Can't believe I found so many RO pals here x'D Haha yes RO used to charge per month, but I think they're free now. I still prefer private servers though, because they require much less grind than the official one ^^;

Do you usually play MMOs? :D


Only about nine hours left! I'll give a final bump an hour before the auction ends. I'm so excited hahah.
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You've played it too?! :O Can't believe I found so many RO pals here x'D Haha yes RO used to charge per month, but I think they're free now. I still prefer private servers though, because they require much less grind than the official one ^^;

Do you usually play MMOs? :D

Never tried the official server, so I dunno how that was. I remember one server I was on, after you hit a certain level, it became PvP, so sometimes people would randomly kill me for the hell of it. -____- Though, I dunno about the servers you were on, a lot of them were really easy to level up... o_O

Funny enough, I don't really like MMOs now since I get bored of them very quickly. Not really a PC gamer anymore, not that I was a huge one in the first place. XD I much prefer console gaming, though, I can't do any of the multiplayer stuff anyway since you have to pay to be able to do multiplayer (ie XBox Live, PS Network).

Not really huge on multiplayer games anyway since I'm used to single player games and it feels like almost every game now has multiplayer in some shape. At least the multiplayer stuff on the 3DS is free, but you can only do it with people on your friend's list.

Lol, the last MMO's I played were WoW, ESO, and Archeage - I don't usually like 2D MMO's, especially if I have to pay to play. T.T;;;;

Finally, after nearly three days without sleep, I finally finished animation I've been working on for weeks. I don't ever want to see After Effects again lol. *goes into deep hibernation*

Oh sorry to hear you had a rough time ;_; I hope everything is well for you now! Hehe I think most artists feel that way. Just believe in yourself Chibi ;v; *hugs back* I think your art is really adorable :blush:

Wow are there more people with the glitch? I only read about another person who also got invisible Fauna :eek: Didn't know more got the glitch too! It would annoy me so much and I'd reset hahah.

Haha you're still much better than me though, at least you visited the town :p Do you know the glitch town with PWPs inside water? I visited it once and then soft resetted my game lol *super chicken*

Hahah yes try RO, Chibi! It's a fun game. RO was extremely popular when it was released in my country ^^ Plus it also has the cutest slime monsters ever :p I swear they didn't pay me to advertise the game
Animation?! :eek:

*hugs* Thank you, I am much better now.

Apparently 3 - 4 have that I have found. I guess the ones making the game in that area didn't expect you to have the same villager moving in from both the campsite and another town on the same day. All reset there town I believe, along with the girl who had two Wolfgangs sadly. It was a nice town.

lol yes I have visited about 3 of them, there is more than one. I love the way that glitch is activated in game messing around with Isabelle. Sadly the way to activate the glitch that is patched outside of Japan by the 1.1v update. If you didn't know by now I love my Animal Crossing New Leaf glitches lol.

Oh my goodness! Is it still around?
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Last call! 55 minutes left :D

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I've updated the HB too, thank you! T_T
@Pengu: Ah gah that's really annoying =_= Most of the servers I played on were PVP as well, but I'm lucky no one was really aggressive. Sometimes they attacked me for the heck of it, but I attack back lol

Haha yes it can get boring quickly, since a lot of them requires grinding. I only play consoles nowadays, never been much MMO person to with exception for RO hahah. The only PC game I played is the sims ^^;

3DS multiplayer is really fun, I often find interesting people in Club Tortimer xD Though AC connection in general is a huge pain because of that router error. I can never connect to people with my home router for some reason, I can only connect using my phone. That must be why I got disconnected a lot when I adopted Fang from you, sorry about that.

@gnoixaim: Oh you played WoW :eek: Is it good? I've always wanted to try WoW, but I'm scared of getting way too addicted like I did with RO haha. At least the music is really great :blush:

@Chibi: Yes, nothing special though. It was only an animated infographic for a client. It was actually a fairly simple one, but for some reason it takes forever to finish. I always underestimate the time I'd need to animate >.<

Oh that's great! Glad you're better now :blush:

Too bad they reset their town, I guess it was really annoying though. iirc no one could move in or move out too after an invisible villager moves in? :eek:

Haha I wish the glitch wasn't patched. The PWP limit often drives me crazy, Would be great if we can put PWPs wherever we want. Especially that silly bridge limitation. What glitches you have found in game? xD I only know the tweeter and net glitch.

And sure do! The official server is still up and it's free to play now :D If not there are plenty of free private servers around too.

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Emahgerd I was too caught up in writing replies. Hnnng thank you and I've updated the HB *melts* ;_;
@Chibi: Yes, nothing special though. It was only an animated infographic for a client. It was actually a fairly simple one, but for some reason it takes forever to finish. I always underestimate the time I'd need to animate >.<

Oh that's great! Glad you're better now :blush:

Too bad they reset their town, I guess it was really annoying though. iirc no one could move in or move out too after an invisible villager moves in? :eek:

Haha I wish the glitch wasn't patched. The PWP limit often drives me crazy, Would be great if we can put PWPs wherever we want. Especially that silly bridge limitation. What glitches you have found in game? xD I only know the tweeter and net glitch.

And sure do! The official server is still up and it's free to play now :D If not there are plenty of free private servers around too.
Ahah either way nice. I'm a huge fan animation and its my dream job.

Yes, it would also crash when people came over at times. I believe opening the map for either players would result in a crash. Well, due to Wolfgang being on and off the map. The game can't handle itself.

Well the glitch had to be removed due to activating the glitch was a duping glitch in the Japanese version. Planting a set of trees then fully grown into a certain pattern. Then dig a hole, place your item, then dig, dig, boom its been duped. It wasn't long till Nintendo found out about this glitch and it was patched, as well as all overseas versions' come with the patch automatically installed so it can't be removed. But how does this glitch affect Isabelle? Well do the glitch while talking to her to place a project then dig, her dialog will freeze. Then run anywhere you want to place the project, ANYWHERE. Hit your shovel or dig, boom. Isabelle thinks its good because of where you first asked her and you got a glitchy project.

Tons, and seen some that are pretty funny and strange. Like a mayor with no head.

Woooah! I'll look it up sometimes! :D
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Ugh, you win gnoixaim. I'm out of bells. Laudine thank you so much for all the lovely support, ideas, etc. I can dream of that art haha.
@Pengu: Ah gah that's really annoying =_= Most of the servers I played on were PVP as well, but I'm lucky no one was really aggressive. Sometimes they attacked me for the heck of it, but I attack back lol

Haha yes it can get boring quickly, since a lot of them requires grinding. I only play consoles nowadays, never been much MMO person to with exception for RO hahah. The only PC game I played is the sims ^^;

3DS multiplayer is really fun, I often find interesting people in Club Tortimer xD Though AC connection in general is a huge pain because of that router error. I can never connect to people with my home router for some reason, I can only connect using my phone. That must be why I got disconnected a lot when I adopted Fang from you, sorry about that.

Yeah, I'd attack back, then I'd get overpowered. I've played a few other PC games, like Harry Potter and The Hobbit back in the day. ^^;; OMG, I remember The Sims! XD It's been a while since I've played it though. Only played the original, so no experience on the other games in the series. Totally abused the cheats, though I think everyone I knew who played at the time did too. I mean, it took FOREVER to get enough money for the good stuff.

I usually meet meh people in Club Tortimer, including 1 person who trapped me on the island until I flicked the Wifi switch, so I don't bother going on there anymore. Oh really? Hmm, my guess it's because that you have a different security setting on your home router than on your 3DS.

Though.. it's hella more flexible with the 3DS since on the DS since I always had to change my security settings. Much easier now.

Ohh, that would explain the issues we had when you got Fang from me. XD Haha, it's fine. Least you got him in the end.
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