Trading My feather collectibles, posicle, and ice cream swirl for btb fair 2017 collectibles


Annona, Rollinia, Asimina, Duguetia. Look em' up!
Mar 21, 2016
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Mother's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
100% (283) +
Im hoping to do 1 for 1 trades of my collectibles for the feathers from this years btb fair. I would be willing to trade my popsicle for one of the purple or pink feathers from this year only (These are the only collectibles im willing to trade 2 for 1 for)

You can see the dates of my collectibles on my profile and you can see what im trading in my sidebar.

Thats why I said 2 for 1, besides, popsicles are far rarer than the feathers. And if it really comes down to it I would trade 3 items for one of the pricier feathers.
I can only get 10 tickets, so yeah :/ My old 3ds had my games on it, and I cant do the other competitions because those require things I just dont have. If I get lucky I may win the design a villager or design a room contest but I genuinely doubt I will win either of those :/
I believe in you! I only have two tickets at the moment, but I'm entering every contest I can and staying hopeful. I bet you can get enough if you try. c:
I managed to guess correctly on the house of mirrors contest, so I should get a ticket for that tonight (though it was a really obvious answer, I mean, it looked just like the koopa king himself :p)