League of Legends

Have you played DotA before?

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You should play Dota then :) It has none of those problems!

(that's a lie. You should still play though)

Honestly, I just mute or ignore trashtalkers when I solo queue and do my own thing.

Well I heard Dota takes more skill than League does. I have a pretty busy life, so I don't know if I'd have the time to dedicate to get good at a game like that. I was -decent- at league, but I wasn't a "pro". I just didn't have the time of day to get amazing at it.
Well I heard Dota takes more skill than League does. I have a pretty busy life, so I don't know if I'd have the time to dedicate to get good at a game like that. I was -decent- at league, but I wasn't a "pro". I just didn't have the time of day to get amazing at it.

While it's a bit more difficult, already having a foundation in league would certainly help.
I dipped into LoL a little bit, but I find Dota to be the better game. Teamwork is really stressed, and it makes the game feel much more rewarding.

Nothing beats a game of Dota with the lads.
Why Russian doto is best doto. 75 kills in 22 minutes

I play and really like LoL. Never cared for Dota though =/
karla if you want to advertise dota make your own thread for dota
ahh man I can't get off LoL xD I play all roles apart from jungle as I suck at that ww~

Abipop on EUW ^^
So which are the overpowered heroes this season? Gotta maintain the pay 2 win through terrible balancing decisions.
League of Legends my favourite game. uwu
(lol, omg I just said that)
I'll be having a ton of fun with Annie support this season with my Tibbers once I get max CDR. (^:
True terror.
Why Russian doto is best doto. 75 kills in 22 minutes


Ew the DOTA cancer is plaguing this thread please make it stop.

I played my first two Season 4 placement matches today! Won 1, lost 1. Can't win em' all.
Ew the DOTA cancer is plaguing this thread please make it stop.

I played my first two Season 4 placement matches today! Won 1, lost 1. Can't win em' all.

Jubs and Tom why you guys so mean? Dota 2 is fun, especially when you have Russian in your opponent's team.

Ew the DOTA cancer is plaguing this thread please make it stop.

I played my first two Season 4 placement matches today! Won 1, lost 1. Can't win em' all.

Grats on your win!

Did you hear about the placements that are going on currently?

People that were Plat 1 getting placed in Silver, even when they don't lose the majority. There's Diamond 2 players getting placed in Silver 1 if they lose majority. I'm hesitant to play ranked at the moment haha.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Jubs and Tom why you guys so mean? Dota 2 is fun, especially when you have Russian in your opponent's team.


Also, Mister Master Yi looks a little better in game haha

More proportional and those are rings on his sword btw. Still not perfect, but I don't like Yi anyways.

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Grats on your win!

Did you hear about the placements that are going on currently?

People that were Plat 1 getting placed in Silver, even when they don't lose the majority. There's Diamond 2 players getting placed in Silver 1 if they lose majority. I'm hesitant to play ranked at the moment haha.

Make that two wins now. :)

I was already in Bronze so... I'm not too worried about it seeing as I can really only go up from where I was haha. >_>
Make that two wins now. :)

I was already in Bronze so... I'm not too worried about it seeing as I can really only go up from where I was haha. >_>

justin is bad~ pls share what client you use to win all the time ??