League of Legends

I'm waiting until they get rereleased next week to pick them up. Paying an extra 50% just for a loading screen border isn't worth it imo.
I bought the first strike Lucian one for my friend's bday, but I'm probably gonna wait it out as well.. deciding if I should buy the Leona one x:

- - - Post Merge - - -

We should all totally play together this weekend :DDD

I have time Saturday :D
never knew this many people played league o w o <3
i feel like re-downloading LoL and start playing it again. I'll probably be so bad, i heard a lot of things changed.
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i feel like re-downloading LoL and play it again. I'll probably be so bad, i heard a lot of things changed.

When was the last time you played? Just this season alone a LOT changed.

>The AP Item tree got redone (new build paths, different stats, etc)
>DFG was replaced with Luden's Echo
>The Tank Item tree also got redone (generally nerfs, more utility changes, 3 new items)
>The jungle got buffed (again)
>Junglers got nerfed (again)
>All the jungle items got revamped twice (cept for the AD one)
>Ashe rework
>Ryze rework
>Mordekaiser "rework" (He can literally control dragon with ult)
>Fiora rework
>Garen "rework"
>Darius "rework"
>Skarner "rework"
>Urgot is viable now
>CLG won the summer split

Oh, and Elise is back.
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OMG LAMB IS SO CUTE! Like wolf is nice and all, BUT LOOK AT LAMB!

Plus Orianna is on free week so I'm hype (Even though I own her, it's nice to see her)
o boy another chimp with a 3-hit stacking mechanic, and a dash holy **** riot getting rly creative
I don't like the 3-stack mechanism (because wowowow what a concept), but I love the passive so much. It's just such a unique passive and if played well makes them snowball out of control.
It's been over a year since I played League. I wanted to reinstall it at one point but after trying it twice and having it fail both times after many gigs of downloading, I gave up. I stopped playing originally after realizing that without friends, I preferred ARPG's like Diablo (although I don't play that title specifically...) and with friends around, we'd end up playing against much more skilled and organized teams, killing the fun for us casually.

Nevertheless, I really did like the game design when it was a bit more rustic and strange. That seems to have gone away of late though. :(