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Cycling Koriko [BOXES: Boomer the lazy penguin] [MOVED IN: Cesar the cranky gorilla]

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Agent S has been adopted (ZeldaSylveon pulled through last minute to pick her up).

Purrl the snooty cat has moved in.

Shep the smug dog is 'in boxes.'


Giving his lurker half an hour exclusive chance to claim, after which anyone may claim him.
Lurking for
Ed, Peaches,Rory,Punchy,Tom,Kyle,Jaques,Ankha,Merangue.
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Lurking for
Hi, J o s h.

I would prefer you please list their names, as the way I search for who to contact is by using topic search to find mentions of villagers.

Edit: Just saw the edit. Thank you kindly.
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I need a Smug in my town! : >> I'll take Shep if no one else will. : >
I will send you a VM eighteen minutes after this post if I do not hear back from his lurker.

Thank you for offering to take Shep, by the way.
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If the adoption above doesn't work out, I am interested. ^^
Sorry, Shep was adopted.


Shep has been adopted.

A 'tier 1' villager has moved in. When she is ready to move, a new topic will be started.

Rory the jock lion is 'in boxes.'


I am giving Rory's lurkers a one hour exclusive chance to claim him, after which anyone may claim him.
Have not heard back from the lurkers, unfortunately. I would usually wait longer, but I have a few other active lurkers, at the moment, and want to minimize their wait. Hope my decision might be forgiven, and that those who miss out on wanted villagers find them soon despite the setback here.


Gaston the cranky rabbit has moved in.

Roald the jock penguin is 'in boxes.'


I will give Roald's lurker a one hour exclusive chance to claim him, after which anyone may claim him.
Oh, yeah, by the way, anyone may ask for Roald in the mean time. And if I do not hear back from the lurker within the hour, I will contact the first or one person who asked.
Umm do you have any like hints in getting a certain villager move out?
It is random, unfortunately. (If I knew when Daisy might move, I would tell you; I am not trying to torment you.)

Daisy is one of those stubborn villagers I get once in a while who cling onto my town like their life depends on it. She will eventually move out, but whether she is next, or much later, is anyone's guess.
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It is random, unfortunately. (If I knew when Daisy might move, I would tell you; I am not trying to torment you.)

Daisy is one of those stubborn villagers I get once in a while who cling onto my town like their life depends on it. She will eventually move out, but whether she is next, or much later, is anyone's guess.

ahaha! it's fine really! I'm just trying to get this random out of my town who to the 10 slot, he's being very VERY stubborn, I've been tt all day
ahaha! it's fine really! I'm just trying to get this random out of my town who to the 10 slot, he's being very VERY stubborn, I've been tt all day
Ah, k. I had someone ask me a similar question. I was unsure if he might move out the tenth villager without another villager moving out first (or asking to move and being denied), but I referred him to a related opinion from the helpful 'Villager Movement Guide' (emphasis mine):

Who’s moving next? - How does the game decide?
The bitter truth is that we don’t really know- but we do have a few observations. We know that the most recent villager to move in will never be the next villager to move out. Additionally, in my experience it seems that the villagers who have been in town the longest are usually more likely to leave, and ignoring villagers isn’t a surefire way to get them out either; talking to villagers you’d like to move may be better. I think that the general rule is that it’s random! And you’re most likely going to have to deny moving requests from villagers you want to keep before the one you want gone will leave.
From this, it seems like you may not have to move out any other villager, but you might have to deny quite a few move-out requests before the unwanted tenth villager finally pings to move.

In any case, sounds like this would not be the best time for Daisy to be 'in boxes.' Are you hoping I slow down for now? That would be no problem, as my pace was in the hope of getting Daisy to move for you.

That said, wishing you luck in getting that unwanted tenth villager out soon.
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