Selling Julian the Smug Unicorn (100% original)


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
100% (86) +
Hey there! Julian has plotted wrong so I'm going to have to move him out! I don't want to have him voided..

If anyone is interested please make an offer! I'm accepting TBT, IGB, or any of the items on my WISHLIST

Hoping to find him a good home!~☆
Is Julian still available? I can provide just about any number of bells and at least a couple of your wishlist items.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh, and mind if we kill two bids with one stone? I'd love to visit Etoile and can also provide a lot of bells for that.

I looked at my items and I have your libra scale, virgo harp, gemini closet, and pieces lamp. I can also give you 500k. Let me know if that is sufficient for both a visit and for Julian.
Yes! That sounds great actually! 500k and those items would be amazing! Were you thinking just one visit to Etoile? You can come and go as many times as you'd like! Just let me know.

I'm at work at the moment and won't be available until 10pm EST anytime after that will be good, just let me know what works for you!
Ready when you are! My FC is 3625-8648-7814
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Ok! So I'm going to open my gate! We might have to do one at a time, so like you come get Julian first and then leave, and then I switch days and have Etoile come to the RV park! Does that sound good?
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