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Pokémon Is Sun/Moon Good for a Newcomer to Pokemon?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2016
I have played a few games but never really got into them, I remember in one game I couldn't figure out how to summon a taxi so I stopped playing. Would sun and moon be a good place to start off in the series? Are they fun and do they explain things well?

I'm sorry if this should go in the moon/sun general thread, I'm new around here:/
with the new rotom pokedex,
it's really easy to figure out where you are supposed to go next.
they changed the gameplay quite a bid
and it's really easy to pick up even if you are a beginner,
so i would say go for it ^^

I didnt get the games but I did play the demo and have read multiple reviews.

These games are apparently aimed towards newcomers to the series and therefore are made easier and are simplified. They tell you where to go so there is little chance you'll get lost or get stuck.
with the new rotom pokedex,
it's really easy to figure out where you are supposed to go next.
they changed the gameplay quite a bid
and it's really easy to pick up even if you are a beginner,
so i would say go for it ^^


except that in post-game rotomdex will never say where you have to go. Now you will have to ask the NPC where to go, lol
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It's very simple. I played X/Y as my first game and didn't really like it, but I LOVE Sun/Moon, I was poor growing up so I didn't get to play the early gen's but watched the show and collected cards and toys so I've always been a fan. I say go for it, I've found it very easy to grasp!
i'd say yes, pretty much any pokemon game will be good enough for a newcomer, especially since the newer gen games are alot easier than the previous ones.
I've played all the games and I love this version. I think it's very friendly for new players. If you get lost your rotomdex will guide you, and everything is explained as you play through the game. I would recommend picking it up, it's a ton of fun!
Yes this is a starter friendly game. Just note that it isn't always easy. There are some difficult fights once you hit the second island. But keep going and you'll have a great time.
I would say its vary newcomer friendly. There are some things i dont like as a Veteran player but i get to have a Litten so im willing to over look it.
Yeah its good for newcomers because of the different mix it has and not rhetoric usual 8 gym leaders
Plus it also bring nostalgic with the alolan version of Gen 1 to remember the good old day but mix with the new stuff
i'd say yes, pretty much any pokemon game will be good enough for a newcomer, especially since the newer gen games are alot easier than the previous ones.

Yes bagel yes! My first pokemon game was diamond, you don't know how many times me and my brother played it, I think we only finished successfully twice b/c the league was so friking hard
Yeah this would be perfect for a new player. The games continually get easier as time goes on. Rotom dex basically tells you where to go and alternate routes are blocked off anyways so you cant really get lost or stuck
yes it definitely would be great for a newcomer. It has many helpful hints and features for newcomers but also has surprises and some challenges so its not TOO easy. great pair of games
This is a very good game for a newcomer, simplified and easily told where to go, BUT, it is drastically different from the other pokemon games and isn't super helpful if you pick up something else soon afterwards. But it is fun, and I'd definately check it out :D
You stopped playing because you couldn't figure out how to summon a taxi? ....you mean in X/Y? Summoning a taxi isn't necessary to play the game at all. The taxis just helped you get to certain parts of that one city faster if you choose to use them.

Not that any of the games are not beginner-friendly, but I'd say Sun/Moon is definitely more beginner-friendly than others. The story is more directed and it'd be really difficult to get lost or not know what you're supposed to be doing. And there's other features like once you encounter a pokemon once, the next time you encounter that pokemon you'll be able to see which types of moves are effective against it. It makes it so that newcomers don't have to have all the type match-ups memorized.
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I would say so yes! It can be challenging, but it is a lot of fun and their is a lot of guidance so you don't get lost! ^-^
I would say its vary newcomer friendly. There are some things i dont like as a Veteran player but i get to have a Litten so im willing to over look it.

This is the way I feel about sun and moon. I've been playing since the beginning, and in my opinion this is by far the easiest game. It's pretty hard to get lost with the Rotomdex and with how the game tells you what moves are super effective against your opponent the newer players won't really even need to know thetype damage charts. Sun and moon is great but I think I prefer the old school gyms better. You should be fine playing them if you're not a vet.