Is anyone holding off starting a 2nd Island?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
I got a second copy of the game for my OG Switch as a birthday gift to myself... but haven't touched it yet.
It's still packed and sealed. I just feel worried that once I open it and start playing I'll get massively burned out (I have put in over 450 hours into my first Island already and I'm very attached to it and the majority of the villagers).
However, I think it would be nice to use it to cycle out some villagers in order to do giveaways and such and maybe reset for Mac who is my dreamie jock as I just can't seem to find him - also I'd TT to speed some things along since I don't TT on my main Island.
Is anyone here running two Islands? How is it going? Are there any strategies you're using to prevent burnout? Do you regret it?
Are your two Islands in the same hemisphere?
I was debating starting my other one in the Southern one but then I thought it would leave me little to look forward to because I could easily move stuff between the Islands so decided against still.
I still feel conflicted and almost guilty to start. I mean, I could be doing other things besides playing Animal Crossing whenever I have free time - like exercising, painting or reading. So there's that...
Having a second Island is kind of handy. We have one on the family switch and use it for villager cycling and a few other things.

Maybe you could use it to entice you to do the other things you want? An hour of animal crossing, then don’t play again until you’ve exercised, painted or read.

I keep the second island in the same season. I don’t want to spoil myself for the rest.
I have a second copy and have been waiting to get a second switch (I was out of work for almost three months so bills had to get caught up first obviously) so since I've been waiting on that I have not yet gotten to start my second lol
However when I do I do intend to play it in the opposite hemisphere, which is basically how I played my multiple towns in NL also, first town was real time, second was 6 months offset, third was real time, fourth was offset again and so forth (I had a lot of NL towns for various purposes)
I refuse to feel guilty for spending my down time playing AC because it isn't detrimental to my doing other things, the free time is free time so while I'm still engaged I don't sweat it, I know I won't always be as driven to play constantly as I am right now and there will be time to do other things when that happens.
I personally use extra copies to arrange things differently or have a different theme, my current island was mostly planned around having a bunch of random villagers I've liked forever or wanted and I built it up around them. My second island will be themed based on having assigned villagers to my close friends and family which I had done before in NL but I never finished that town and I'd like to really set them all up nicely this time around. I like the offset time not only to be able to visit myself to open up available creatures for catching and events, but also just because the change of scenery is nice.
I'm picking up my second switch tomorrow, mainly to start a new island but also because my switch battery is DYING. I'm real peeved at myself for not just getting the animal crossing exclusive one right off the bat (I mean I work at game, I'm stupid)
I have to wait until Christmas (or perhaps beyond thanks to this whole virus thing) to get my second Switch and another copy of the game. I ordered the ACNH one, but it's sitting in my parents house a continent away. Too risky to send by mail... and not sure when I'll be able to go in person.

I've been planning the island a lot in my head. 😅 I live in the Southern hemisphere, but from the north, and for the holidays (and to start in Spring) went with northern. I regret that choice sometimes... second island will definitely be southern.
Thanks for the inout, everyone. For me it's also a matter of whether I should create a second account to play the game or not since paying for an extra online subscription seems like a lot to just trade villagers.
One island is enough stress for me XD and since moving villagers in via amiibo is wayy more annoying this time around, it's not even worth a villager selling town imo. But I guess if I wanted to, at least the option is there since my bf doesn't care about his town on his switch. I could just hijack it for my purposes one day. But I doubt it.
I have two islands. I do not make it a goal to play both every single day. I go with whichever one I feel like playing.
I have two islands. I do not make it a goal to play both every single day. I go with whichever one I feel like playing.
Do you have two separate accounts for the Islands if you don't mind me asking?
No, I play them both on the same account.
I'm just worried that when (and if) Nintendo introduce cloud saves, I would end up losing one Island or it would cause some kind of an interference.
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kind of? i only have one switch and one copy of the game but i’ve been strongly considering picking up another switch lite and copy as there’s so many ideas that i’d like to implement that i can’t without starting my current island from scratch which i don’t wanna do. i have to consider this carefully, though, as this would be a pretty big financial investment and would be a decision my family would judge me for for the next year and a half ;/;
I’d love a second island, but if I ever got one I think it would be left natural for a while, terraforming is fun but can be stressful! I mainly want one to keep villagers that I love there. Because 10 isn’t enough for me 🥺
Sana all! (just an expression we use here when we feel kinda jealous towards someone lol)
I really would like a second island but I don't have a second switch, nintendo really screwed me up with the one island, one switch rule, kinda dumb decision on their part tbh, but kinda clever as well as I am now considering buying another switch just for a second island lol, but of course I won't fall for their trap so it's a no for me (or maybe I will, we'll just have to find out in the future lol)...
Despite having numerous New Leaf towns, I've decided that I don't have any interest in a second copy of New Horizons. I don't want to have to buy a second Switch unless necessary, I'd rather buy other things instead. To sort of assuage the urge, I've decided to make multiple player characters for the island I do have.

More power to everyone who have and will go through with it though, I can see the appeal.
Thanks for the inout, everyone. For me it's also a matter of whether I should create a second account to play the game or not since paying for an extra online subscription seems like a lot to just trade villagers.

I think you can visit between the two islands as "local play" without an online subscription.
I wouldn't say holding off but I'm not as hardcore on the 2nd island as I was on my main island. I'm using it to take my time in hunting villagers via mystery island on the weekends. I just invited my 9th villager last weekend (yay for Cyd) and will utilize the campsite trick once I get the 10th villager and boot my smug villager. Aiming to get you know
Ideally, I would like to start a second island, but I don't know how much time I could commit to it. Even lately, I've already been playing less, though I do think starting up a new island will definitely draw me back to playing long hours again. I can imagine it having a lot of benefits, particularly having the ability to do the things I couldn't do on my original island.

But as it stands, I think I will ride it out with my current island, and maybe in the future I might do it. I'm still patiently waiting for an update since I feel like that would definitely make me play longer hours again. :)