Iranian Central News "Confirms" that the US is Controlled by Nazi Space Aliens


Ask me about my heresy
Jan 18, 2014
Small Mailbox
Iranian Central News "Confirms" that the US is Controlled by Nazi Space Aliens

That title grab your attention? I wish I could say I was kidding. But here's a few links.

Canada's Defense Minister talking specifically about the Tall Whites:

So yeah...for those of you who didn't here, a couple days ago Iran's semi official news agency Fars News published a big story about how documents leaked to both them and the Russian government prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that US domestic and foreign policy is controlled by "tall white aliens", and has been since 1945. These same aliens supposedly also helped the Nazis rise to power. other recent news, the reliability of Iran's news has just fallen below that of North Korea's.

All jesting aside...yes, this is a legitimate "news story", at least according to them. Unlike North Korea, however, Iran is a fairly powerful nation, with a sizable population, military, and actual potential at a decent nuclear arsenal. Considering that Fars News is not only their technical official news source, but also very influential with the revolutionary guard, it kinda makes me wonder if they really believe this or are just doing a really bad job at bashing the US.
I'm sure people believe the story, especially considering they published a story about UFOs just before reporting this story.
I think they've been watching too much Doctor Who.

I suppose this adds more fuel to the men in black "theories". I'd be intrigued to see what the US government has to say about this. Of course, they have a history of keeping secrets from citizens (As most governments do, particularly during wars), so I bet there are people who believe it.
They're on to us. I just hope they know they are no match for our aliens.

Well hey, to be fair they're not too far off. The people that have all the money are certainly tall and white, and they're about as easy to relate to as aliens, so it could be a witty allegory. ...hopefully...

Wow your move Pyongyang

Shh! Don't encourage them!
That bit about Obama and the alien shadow govt, though...

Well duh, anybody redpilled can tell you that Obama is not only in the league with the aliens, he in fact IS one: a member of the shape shifting Reptilians from a rift in space-time around Alpha Draconis. As is Queen Elizabeth, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, the Rothschilds, and pretty much every powerful dynasty ever. Read up on your David Ike literature m8
I dunno if I should believe this or laugh at this thread...

*Is laughing right naw*
That's right goyim, this thread is all just a joke. You're government is TOTALLY not controlled by space aliens. Be sure to take your mind control chip!

*rubs hand together evilly*