I'm scared to demolish this bridge


Pinking of you ♥
Jan 3, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Is Isabelle going to say I can't build a brick bridge here in the exact same spot when I demolish the suspension one? I'm scared because it's near the cafe. Does anyone know the safe number of spaces away it has to be? Or do you think this is okay?

when I was a kid I had a fear of falling into the sky.

LOL OMG!! and for your question, yes it is. I not sure the space but if you going to demolish the bridge on the picture and build it back at the exact spot, yes it is safe cause I did the same =) and my cafe is nearer than yours~
i wouldn't unless your sure it would work i tried to rebuild a bridge and it was too close to a villagers house and i don't really like the place its in now :c
From what I see on that picture, there is no villager's house spotted on the front unless it is hidden from where you did not take the picture~ best if your town map is posted =) and not upside down again xD or you have have others visit your dream town to help you judge better~
Hmm that's weird. The picture doesn't look upside down to me :) I'll post a picture of my town map.
There's no pwps around it right? Then I can safely tell you, you can =D you can visit my dream town to see it yourself I did the similar thingy~
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