If your family were Animal Crossing villagers, why would they live in your town?

They wouldn't live in my town because they would be so unbelievably annoying that I'd try every day to get them to move. My dad would be a cranky type and my mom would be a peppy type but the peppy type would always want my attention every other second and would ping me multiple times a day. I think my family would be all cats. Mom a peppy cat and Dad a cranky cat.

My sister I wouldn't mind having in my town, though I have difficulty placing her in a personality. She's among snooty, smug and normal. I think she'd be normal, a normal cat, and I'd like to have her in my town because she'd be the most fun.
My dad would be a lazy bear, my mum would be an uchi horse, and my brother would be a jock bird probably. They would totally live in my town, I like my family as friends (as well as them being family).
I think I'm pretty lucky to have a nice family, many of my friends and other people I know have unfortunate parents and siblings :eek:
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