I hope your appetites are prepared!

Legendary Sandwich

The Holiest of Hoagies.
Oct 11, 2016
For here comes the Legendary Sandwich! The most holiest of all hoagies! The pumpernickle that gets you pumped! The... er, something about cheese bread?

Well, whatever! You get the 'gist of it!

I'm a new member of the BellTreeForums, and plan to stick around a while. Thanks for having me. :lemon:
Ooh are you tasty? Kidding I wouldn't eat a new member :p
Welcome to TBT hope you enjoy your time here!
For here comes the Legendary Sandwich! The most holiest of all hoagies! The pumpernickle that gets you pumped! The... er, something about cheese bread?

Well, whatever! You get the 'gist of it!

I'm a new member of the BellTreeForums, and plan to stick around a while. Thanks for having me. :lemon:

I love your username and avatar please don't ever change it! And hello btw! :D
You get one point because you're funny. You get two points because you're literally a sandwich.
Welcome to Bell Tree your Holiness :)

I've heard the legends of the amazing legendary sandwich....and now I actually get to meet him!! :D
My name is Honey - I'm not your kind of condiment but if you ever become a legendary Peanut Butter and Honey sandwich, maybe a Legendary Peanut Butter Honey and Banana like Elvis - then we can team up in Ultimate Sandwich Hall of Fame!


And your profile sandwich is perfection. Awesome.