How to deal with show offs?


Almost struck the lotto
Jan 21, 2016
Orange Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Purple Crescent Moon
Planet Glow Wand
Enchanted Bloom
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Purple Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
I've got this classmate that DOESN'T ever get the hint whenever i switch off when he's showing off, bragging about everything. I don't know whether it is his constant need for assurance or the fact that showing off, feeling like he is better than others makes him feel inherently godlike, it just pisses me off so much. I have tried nodding in acknowledgement of his slew of achievements, giving one word responses ("lol") to the crazy salary amounts he is drawing, and even blatantly ignoring him but he just keeps coming back with better bragging stories. It's so ridiculous the only thing he ever talks about is his achievements whenever he opens his goddamn mouth it's a wonder he has any friends (i refuse to be considered his friend).

So, how can i better deal with said person before i lose my sanity? :mad:
Tell him you got a black belt and that if he doesn't shut up he's gonna get it.

In all honesty though show off harder
people like that don't get a lot of acknowledgement for anything, usually..... so he is probably trying to fill some void that isn't being fulfilled in some aspect of his life

pity him, because he is probably dead inside that he needs validation from outside sources
does he do this to everyone or just you? maybe he's trying too hard to impress you or get your attention
I guess, probably have to distance away more or use a really good pun or comeback on him. I'm sure he'll burn out soon, it seems to end that way one way or another xc
Put on some headphones so it looks like you're ignoring him. Then he will stop coming to you to brag if he sees that you don't want to hear him.
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Ok will try all these except maybe i'll leave the more violent ones for last c:
I would personally just try to stay away from him and ignore him. Talking to him will probably not help
I usually don't respond to my friend if they start bragging a lot, only responding when they talk about something else. People usually get the hint that way slowly and it hits them harder than telling them straight.

But don't be a full jerk and do acknowledge if you think your friend deserve the praise. Getting a high score after studying, doing well in their job, etc, as it motivates them to do better and make them happy. I mean imagine working hard and not getting your effort acknowledged :(
Some people are hard headed and don't subtle hints. I think short sarcastic responses and lots of eye rolls will do the trick.
Just try talking to him about it. If he's somebody you otherwise get along with and you want to continue being friendly with him. Just tell him what the problem is. Maybe he doesn't realise he's doing it?
You'd be surprised how many people are just that into themselves and think that everybody else's enjoys hearing about them as much as they enjoy talking about their self.

If he's not somebody you would choose to be friends with normally, then I would suggest just ignore, move away, make it clear you're not interested in what he has to say.

Although really I'd still suggest at least mentioning it.
He might not even realise what he's doing....