How Much Money Have You Spent on Mobile Games?


So what?
Jan 14, 2022
Black Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
Carnival Pinwheel
Spirit Candy: Wix
Purple Candy
I have played Pocket Camp before, but I haven't spent a single penny. I currently play Cat Game, but I haven't spent any money on it yet, but I'm planning on spending $13 for a VIP membership. I think the only mobile game I spent money on was Animal Jam: Play Wild. (Well, when I used to play it, I mean.) I must've spent $100 on that game. XD How about you, guys?
Edit: Just realized that this is similar to the thread that @/xSuperMario64x made about money spent on PC. Whoops.
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I’ve spent money, embarrassingly, on that Episode app I play from time to time. Yeah, it’s one of my guilty pleasures.
I've spent a grand total of $0.00 on mobile games. While a large part of that has to do with the fact I don't play mobile games, I'm also very careful with my money and would never spend it on in-game things that don't add to the experience of the game, like cosmetics.
I don't play any mobile games these days (aside from Genshin Impact occasionally though that's on my PS4) but I definitely got hooked on some where I spent more than I should have. Bleach: Immortal Soul, King's Raid and Sonic Forces: Speed Battle are all ones that got me to spend a good chunk of change on. It was good fun while it lasted, but it all ends the same way. Introducing too many characters, weapons, etc. which cause me to get burnt out. Feeling the same thing with Genshin Impact. Trying to get the upgrade materials for each new character is very time, and often money consuming.
I don’t think I‘ve ever spent money on mobile games. I mean, why? I work hard for my money, I want to spend it on things I really need and can use for a longer time.
This is a logical thought process which I agree with. Though, gacha games are so predatory that sometimes they make people like me crack occasionally. I've never spent an outrageous amount of money on them, but enough to feel regretful since I don't play the apps anymore. I try to avoid most in general now. Genshin did get me recently though with the Raiden Shogun and that I had no gems to spend so I splurged a bit.
The only mobile game I play often is Genshin Impact, and somehow I've managed to stay f2p and have a somewhat built team. So 0$ for me as well!

I've watched so many games, even successful ones, make announcements that are essentially, 'don't worry, we're not going anywhere', only for them to close a few months later *cough*SEGA Heroes*cough*. I'd rather spend my money on something more tangible.
For in-app stuff probably more than I should have. These days not cosmetics though since I basically only play PoGo(add me if you play btw lol). and I got like one shirt with PokéCoins, if I get those coins it's for remote raid passes if I can't save up.

I definitely spent way too much on AC: PC so glad I don't do that anymore.

I run away from microtransaction games, or I will play them for a short time and be done with them and not spend anything on them. And I generally hate mobile games. Though pocket camp is actually not that bad for a mobile game. I wouldn't spend real money on it though.

There was one microtransaction game I have played that my spouse and I spent money on. It wasn't a mobile game, it was a digimon game online. That game is alot of fun. The game is really old, so there is another private server in a different country ran by passionate digimon people you can join via discord invite that makes it possible to earn everything yourself if you wanted. We moved to that one and still put some money into it because we just really like the game. I have yet to find another game that has microtransactions that I enjoy that much, but I am glad that this digimon game will be preserved.

There have been loads of times where I got tempted to spend. Since "it's only two bucks!" but those types of charges add up. I also get obsessed with a mobile game, only for the thrill to wear off and then I lose interest and stop playing. I don't want to put money into something so short term. I also personally don't like the pay to win or gambling type gameplay so I don't want to support it. Just a personal preference and no shame to others who take part in it.
TOO MUCH i used to play roblox from 2016-2020 (i play on and off now) and i have probably spent $200 on robux. everytime i got an apple gift card for christmas/my birthday i would blow it all on robux
I may have spent $0.99 on Doodle Jump in like 2010. That was the first and last time I spent money on a mobile game. It wasn't even that good.
I have spent money on dlc, but never anything on mobile games. I've never really bothered even playing them. Mostly because I never had a good phone to support them to begin with. Even if I did, I wouldn't spend money on a app game.
I have spent some money on Candy Crush, Pokemon Masters, and Mario Kart Tour. However, I don't spend money on mobile games anymore since I don't play them that often.
I've spent a few dollars on a game called tap tap fish which used to be really good when it was small but it's since been bought out and filled with predatory tactics and micro transactions and I regret ever giving them a cent😒
too much. probably an embarrassing amount, to be honest lol. i haven’t kept track over the years, but i’ve definitely spent over $500 on various different games by this point. if i had to guess which games i’ve spent the most on, i’d say kim kardashian’s hollywood game and cat game.
I hate to admit it, but I've spent way TOO much money on a game I don't play anymore and frankly, I don't think I will ever play it again because I have too many painful memories attached to it... so that money unfortunately went down the drain 🥲🥲 BUT as a silver lining, I learned my lesson and I won't be doing that again.
I hate to admit it, but I've spent way TOO much money on a game I don't play anymore and frankly, I don't think I will ever play it again because I have too many painful memories attached to it... so that money unfortunately went down the drain 🥲🥲 BUT as a silver lining, I learned my lesson and I won't be doing that again.
same 😅, though it was mostly with gift cards that I got as a gift, for OPTC that is. Just recently spent some on FFBE for a newbie pack since I returned to playing and I saw one of the characters that I like now has a unit and could be redeemed with this token you get from the pack. the temptation to spend more is still there but i don’t have a job or money - which is good in this case.