How many Nook Miles do you have?

A month or two ago I had a little over 200,000 but then I spent it all island hunting for Chester 😅
Now I have around 60,000 I think.
last time i went island hopping i used like 25k nook miles and didn't even find my dreamie

now im biased and I won't bother with island hopping. once i get coco's pic and boot her i'm buying pietro. xddddd

Honestly buying a dreamie would probably be a better use of my time but I'm still somewhat attached to the idea of "finding" them myself.

Although a few more failed villager hunts might change my mind 😂
I have about 150,000. Nothing to spend them on 😂
Currently sitting on 294k. It was over 300k a few days ago before I ordered a few things. It'll rise back up.

I hardly ever visit mile islands, so I get plenty of NMT from trading for that...
Honestly buying a dreamie would probably be a better use of my time but I'm still somewhat attached to the idea of "finding" them myself.

Although a few more failed villager hunts might change my mind 😂
the whole island hopping thing is rigged af. you can find your dreamie after like one ticket or you can spend 1,000 tickets and not find the one you want. one time i was lucky enough to find my dreamie (Tammi) after only 8 tickets, so i can get my fresh lovely new villager and still experience a bit of a hunt (cuz hunts are fun, but absolutely not when you have to spend hundreds of tickets).
yeah, i understand that feel of being able to find ur dreamie. didn't happen with pietro tho, spent about 40 minutes of my precious life and ended up with coco, who's cute but not pietro-level. plan to kick her soon cuz she also happens to be the 2nd of 3 normals on my island. xd
I currently have 526,870 Nook Miles. I guess that's what happens when you have to grind for the "Nook Miles for Miles!" achievement and barely spend them, lol
It was over 200k this week but I redeemed some NMTs for a trade! 170k-ish now! I have somewhere between 200-350 NMT in storage though! I hustled hard initially for the nook mile rewards each day. Now I don't look at it until it pops up as having satisfied one of the goals! 😂

I really wish they'd give us some more worthwhile things to spend them on.
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750k and still growing because i'm still 1500 away from accomplishing the achievement.
That’s surprising since I’m only like 300 tasks away from the final achievement and have 280k. I have probably only spent about 200k in the lifetime of the game. Do you TT and just do the 5X tasks?
That’s surprising since I’m only like 300 tasks away from the final achievement and have 280k. I have probably only spent about 200k in the lifetime of the game. Do you TT and just do the 5X tasks?

i;ve been farming photos so i TT a lot. the nook mile+ for talking to 3x villa is 200nm (x2-5) I haven't really gone out of my way to complete nook miles so... yea.

edit: also I've been cycling amiibos. It's been 7th straight days for over a month already.
i;ve been farming photos so i TT a lot. the nook mile+ for talking to 3x villa is 200nm (x2-5) I haven't really gone out of my way to complete nook miles so... yea.
Ah, I figured it had to be something like that. You might be the winner here by the time you get the final 3k NM achievements badge, then!
Ah, I figured it had to be something like that. You might be the winner here by the time you get the final 3k NM achievements badge, then!

honestly I've just been giving away NM items that peep needs here to help out. It's an unconscious accumulation.