How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I'm nonbinary-masc. I don't have that many people on my friend's list since we have Dodo codes, but most of the people I've played with are women. Tried getting my boyfriend into the game but it isn't his vibe.
I wish this had a non confirming one so roper like me could have a bot in this.
That's interesting but it's no surprise.🤔
usually boys like violent games like fight or football even racing.
I've heard it said that animal crossing is a little girl's game. it's a shame these people are missing out on a great game! 😕
Animal Crossing: New Horizons brought a lot of new players to the series, and I think the ratio male/female is pretty equal, but I don't think this has always been this way. I think I have seen an near equal amount of of male and female players when trading on Nookazon.
I dont really like labels in general.

I use the pronouns He/Him. I am in a male body and I'm happy with it, I wouldn't change that.
But in my head it's more fluid, sometimes I relate more with female, sometimes more with male, but honestly a lot of time neither lol

I tend to have more female friends, I'm comfortable around them, but in the end gender is not an important factor for me in the friend department.
I'm a... thing. Yeah. That's my current identifier. Either that or three cats in a trench coat failing at being an adult human. I also accept any pronouns and tend to be more on the feminine side.

Most of the people I play with or run into are female. Every male I used to play with seems to have quit TT_TT
I'm female and I have notice there seems to be a high percentage of women on TBT.

Probably overall in the game it skews female, but, for example, on ACC I've noticed it's more even between the two (although because the website is still updating to 2.0 I mostly know this through talking through people, of course there are people who identity in other ways as well)
I do amiibo card trading and I find that a significant amount of people I trade with are male, and I am as well. I know overall there’s more females in the community but it is a little surprising!
I'm a male most my closest friends are female but I have quite a few male friends I'm close to as well as for those I play with? I only have 1 person added on my switch and it's my ex gf bc she wanted to play Mario Kart with me way back so I said why not and yeah only acnh "friend" I have is my sister XD
Female, though my friend list is pretty diverse. I have one male friend who plays ALL the time, the rest play but not as heavily as they do other games.
I'm a male. Never much minded whether my friends were male, female, or non-binary. I just like having people to play with.
i am genderfluid so it fluctuates alot lolol i dont mind any pronouns rlly
and most of the people i talk to here are girls for sure
im a non-binary and i mainly identify as a female and i mainly play acnl w/ girls!! but irl im friends with boys its kinda weird lol