How do you decide on dreamies?

I don't really have a dreamie as I find that I will have certain favorite villagers in my town that I like to talk to or exchange letters, especially if it is a cranky villager. I've had a few cranky villagers in my town, and my only favorites are Butch and Static. I've had Butch in my old town and Static in my current town and I enjoyed them. They didn't stay in my town forever, but I felt like a close friend to them.

Since I have to let some of my favorite villagers go, I come to realize it would be ideal to become friends with every villager and earn their picture for that friendship.
Well I want a variety.
So i want equal amount of boys and girls (5 of each)
and at least one from each personality
I am currently in the process of restarting my town,
so this will be my new dreamy list

Maple (Normal)
Diana (Snooty)
Flora (Peppy)
Pashmina (Uchi)
Kitty (Snooty)

Marshal (Smug)
Chief (Cranky)
Beau (Lazy)
Julian (Smug)
Frobert (Jock)
I pick most of my dream villagers based on interactions with them. A few of my favorites aren't very cute (Hazel) or popular (Tucker). Some villagers I thought I'd love, like Lucky, I ended up feeling rather 'meh' about. It's just been trial and error more or less.
Looked at an online list of villagers and went to town narrowing down what I did and did not want. Sadly, as I had not played Animal Crossing in many many years, I didn't exactly think through most of my choices and ended up with a bunch of normals and no cranky, jocks, or uchis. Ah well, I've decided on a better list of dreamies for my second town xD
I wish we could have more :( I try and have a nice mix but I tend to love the normal villagers!
This is the process by which I pick dreamies:

1) Villager moves into town.
2) I grow attached to villager.
3) Villager leaves town before I was ready to let them go.
4) Enraged, I vow I will get them back some day.

You haven't escaped Merry, Molly and Purrl. One day you'll return.

I'm kind of easy going with villagers though. They were actually the only three I was genuinely upset that left. All my other villagers there came a point when I'm ready to let them go. Never when they first floated the idea of moving at me though.
I literally just pulled up a list of all of them and picked out ones I liked the most. Though keep in mind I have three towns, so I had a hard time too...I still have a hard time with deciding.