Hello :) 24/Australia


Junior Member
May 2, 2021
I'm 24 and I've just started online play on acnh in the past couple days, I've made a few friends but the more the merrier, I try and be very respectful of peoples islands and I have Nooklink so I can reply quickly!

friend code: 5961-2064-9030
my game name is trasha and island is trashtopia

add me or post yours :)
Yayyy welcome aboard! What made you decide on a trash theme?
my name is asha so i liked that if you just add a t its trasha and my island is lazily done and utter rubbish so it fits the name well :)
Welcome to the forums! 💛
What an interesting island name ;D
I'm 24 and I've just started online play on acnh in the past couple days, I've made a few friends but the more the merrier, I try and be very respectful of peoples islands and I have Nooklink so I can reply quickly!

friend code: 5961-2064-9030
my game name is trasha and island is trashtopia

add me or post yours :)
Sent friend request, I’ve got family in Australia too!
Welcome to tbt!! I'm from 'Straya as well ayyy lol. Busy with exams atm, but I'll send you a friend request :D