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have you ever won a giveaway/raffle?

I've won medals for art over time and tickets for a trip to Disney. But giveaways/raffles out of random, maybe? If so, I can't remember :c
I don't think I've ever won a giveaway or a raffle in my life. I'm really unlucky when it comes to that kind of stuff, so I rarely participate in them in the first place.
As a kid I won two prizes from submitting puzzle answers each week. One was a book and the other one were two books and a bag. Online I won hundreds of giveaways and raffles, but I also always actively participate everywhere and those always had like hundreds of participants at most.
Well I won my popsicle collectible just a few days ago in the daily giveaway here so yeah. I also won my blue candy from Thunder back when I first joined the site.
I've won some raffles irl too. Nothing too grand but it's always a nice surprise to win. :lemon:
i've won some giveaways here and in real life. during my school's fashion show, i won a chocolate fountain and snow boots, both which i have not used up to this day
I've actually won a handful on site; I can't remember them all but I do remember winning a chocolate cake, voodoo doll, toy hammer, and an OC. The collectibles aren't in my possession, as I've given them away long ago, but the OC is still with me. <3
Off-site, I'm always in a constant raffle for my majors (sucky system, I know). I applied for 4 majors next semester and only won a slot for 2 of them; can't say I have a right to complain since I have friends who've won no slot at any majors at all.
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I won some Pok?mon plushies and figures in online advent calender raffles when I was little, but didn‘t win anything since.
I?ve won a couple online(such as a 7-11 Set and some collectibles here, and Event Pokemon somewhere else), but never in real life.
i've won one here on the forums (it was for a lovely oc that i'm still in awe over ;;; ) (i also won a second, but the giveaway-giver disappeared from the site the next day :')), and i've won two art ones on tumblr
:) people are so kind ;;;
Not in real life, but on the site I won a Galaxy Egg in the holiday raffle just a few days ago, that was really great
my luck is imaginary so only super occasionally (like once every couple years?) :( though it would be so rewarding to win a raffle or giveaway...

most of the "giveaways" i've won were based on participation and host's vote.
Not on here.
But once hen I was a kid. Only had enough money for 1 ticket (you could buy more than one) and I somehow won with my 1 ticket. Won a bunch of toys.
i won the 5 years of new leaf toy hammer collectible on this site a couple months ago, but i've never won anything in real life.
I won a raffle for the pink candy for the Halloween event this year, was greatly surprised that I won ^u^
I won a follower giveaway on Tumblr once. I got a cute little Hello Kitty-shaped hamburger squish toy of it, it's a great way to relieve stress lol