Guess who the ninth villager who arrived in my new town today is

Mar 1, 2017
Pink Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
So, I started a new town last weekend and had many move-ins this week. Yesterday, the 9th and last plot appeared, and I found it as I was guiding Saharah to my home. And here's what I read on the sign:


I believe this to be extremely lucky, right?
My town theme is chinese zodiac though, and since squirrel is not a sign he'll be moving out eventually. But as for now, let's see how we fare together. :)
Yay Marshal! I know it's rare/impossible for smug villagers to be a starting villager, but they do move in on their own sometimes. I had him move into a town of mine on his own once. I was kind of sad I had to move him out.
I got Eugene as a starting villager, but in any case, I congratulate you for getting the anime marshmallow squirrel as a random move-in! My favorite Smug, personally. Hope you have fun with him!
I wouldn't say it's extremely rare, since he has the same % chance as anyone else. Also, if you have every personality in your town except smug and are expecting a random move in you can plot reset until you get the smug you want.

Congratulations, by the way! A long time ago people on these forums would be frothing at the mouth if Marshal randomly moved into their town. Lol.