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Genshin Impact

I spent too much to get a second Childe/Tartaglia last banner. I was only hoping for Thoma but got two Sayus instead. Back to saving for when/if we ever get Danslief.
Had 80 wishes saved for Hu Tao but got her C1 on my first 10 pull lol. Finally got C6 Diona who's my current healer and got Sayu as well! Spent my last 20 on the weapon banner and got the Elegy bow which I'm gonna put on Venti. It was a very good pull day~ 😊
I’ve spent more time on other games recently but I’m gonna start logging in more to collect materials; 3 weeks untill 2.3, where Gorou’s becoming playable. :D I have a good amount of wishes so I’m hoping to get a lot of constellations. Only thing left is an official notice of the banner he’s on. If he’s on Itto’s banner, then I guess I’m going to have another tall, claymore-wielding dude sitting on the bench.

Also congrats for everyone who’s posted their pulls above, as well as good luck to anyone who is planning to do some pulls.
Not a new character update, but just wanted to share that I finally reached max friendship with Diluc and got his name card! :D


Been playing for about a year already. Got Hu Tao early on in her first banner, but don’t really use her in the Overworld because of her Hp drain. Currently saving for Yae and am not really interested in most of the characters coming before her. However, I do need to rack up some stardust so I can get the monthly fates so decided to pull for Staff of Homa. Glad to get it in 20 pulls.
After that then decided to Yolo for C1 Hu Tao and was able to win the 50/50 and get her. Been using her more in the overworld now and never had this much fun with her until now.
Been playing for about a year already. Got Hu Tao early on in her first banner, but don’t really use her in the Overworld because of her Hp drain. Currently saving for Yae and am not really interested in most of the characters coming before her. However, I do need to rack up some stardust so I can get the monthly fates so decided to pull for Staff of Homa. Glad to get it in 20 pulls.
After that then decided to Yolo for C1 Hu Tao and was able to win the 50/50 and get her. Been using her more in the overworld now and never had this much fun with her until now.
Congrats on C1 Hu Tao! I'm also saving for Yae, I wish you luck on her banner!!
I play on my PC, and I have attempted to play on mobile, but my phone just does not have enough storage for it. If your computer has a lot of storage you should be fine, but I find myself deleting games with the updates, the most recent one was 10 GB.
I think I first downloaded it a year ago, but I did not play much until the Raiden Shogun banner (September 1), when you first start playing it is incredibly easy to get primogems (the currency to get characters), but as you play more and finish the story quests and world quests, you can only really get primogems from commissions (daily quests), events, world exploration, daily login, and maintenance rewards. Although that seems like a lot, commissions only give you 60 primogems, events vary, but typically fall around 480 primogems which is just enough for 3 wishes. Eventually, you cannot explore the world as you run out of chests, seelies, and puzzles to find. Daily login is I think 20 primogems for every 5 days, and maintenance rewards are only for big updates like 2.1 to 2.2 and those give you 300-600 primogems.
Character banners cost a lot to wish on, one wish costs 160 primogems and you have around a 0.1% chance to get a 5 star before you hit 75 wishes. After 75 your chances slowly increase and if you hit 90 wishes then you get an automatic 5 star. But don't forget about the 50/50 where if you pulled a character on the event banner as your most recent 5-star on the event banner there is a 50% chance for you to get the 5-star event character or a 50% chance for you to get a 5 star character from the standard banner which are Diluc, Jean, Keqing, Mona, and Qiqi. So for a soft pity (75 wishes), that is around 12,000 primogems if you're lucky you may get a character before then, but if you have to reach hard pity (90 wishes) then that is 14,400 primogems, which is a huge amount considering how difficult it is to get primogems.
Now it is a pretty good game if you ignore the gacha system, the art is wonderfully beautiful, all of the characters have so much detail and their animations are fantastic, the scenery is just beautiful, and the fighting system is pretty good, however every 5 levels your world level goes up, which means it gets harder, but some of the levels you need to do an ascension quest before your world level goes up. It is pretty easy to get underleveled quickly if you are not leveling your character's level, talents, weapons, and artifacts. The domains are also pretty nice, giving you pretty good rewards (for me at least) with each fight. And if the gacha system throws you off, don't worry there are 4-star characters which are much easier to get, if you wish on the standard banner with standard wishes (not primogems, you can get standard wishes from other sources) you can get a 4-star character, on the event banners there are 3 of these characters that you are guaranteed to get.

TLDR: The gacha system is pretty bad except for 4-stars, takes too long to get characters I want, art is amazing, the fighting system is good, don't forget to level your characters or the game will get hard quickly.
I was 20 Wishes towards the next pity when Hu Tao's banner ended. I currently have 11 Wishes saved up.

I hope to get Gorou and Itto when their banner comes up.

If I don't get Itto I'll be bummed, but it'll be fine... I also want other upcoming characters, so I'll live.
I actually at this point have no clue who I'm going to pull for. Yae's looking like another electro DPS and I already have Raiden and Keqing so I really don't need another one. Shenhe looked promising but apparently she's not going to be as good of a support for Ayaka as I thought. Might just end up pulling for Ganyu, idk. 😭
I actually don't have any geo characters built, LOL I really need a good one that fits my play style and team. I wanted zhongli but slacked off on pulling for him both times. I'll either wait around or see what Itto can offer me.
I’m not going to be wishing for Itto (forgot to do a new character post for him, but oh well). I have more than 40 wishes saved so far and I’m guaranteed, however. Going to keep saving for a possible Ganyu rerun as there have been rumors of one, and I’d really like to add her to my overworld team.

In other news I managed to reach max friendship with Hu Tao tonight and obtained her name card. She’s only the third character I’ve done this with after Qiqi and Diluc. Up next will be Klee, who is at level nine friendship.


I hopped on recently to continue to Inazuma story since I'm behind. I ended up pulling for Itto and somehow got him! I used every wish I had which wasn't much and on the very last pull I got him. Now the leveling up pain begins...

Hey, congrats! That’s some clutch character RNG right there. Best of luck leveling him.
Tried rolling for Itto today.. I'm like 68 into pity and ended up getting Diluc. Everything's going according to plan >:3

I want C1-C2 Zhongli SO bad. He's my favorite character and I don't even have him yet T^T
So here's to hoping I can save up enough for him since I'm already guaranteed c:

A new Cryo character is coming to Genshin Impact soon. Check this video out if you haven’t already.


I won’t be wishing on this banner. I’m saving my primogems for the Ganyu rerun. I’m guaranteed and in need of a Cryo DPS more than a Cryo support.

Anyway, good luck to those wishing on this banner and I hope you get the character(s) you want.

Update: My current primogem count is up to 14,367 saved primogems. I also have 7 intertwined fates saved. Shenhe is being released with Yun jin as well as a rerun of Xiao in the first phase banner. Zhongli and Ganyu are having reruns in the second phase, which doesn’t start until January 25th, giving me plenty of time to save up even more primogems since I’m playing more now.


Check out these links down below too:

Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rate for Calamity Queller (Polearm) and Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (Polearm)!
Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rate for Vortex Vanquisher (Polearm) and Amos' Bow (Bow)!
"Fleeting Colors in Flight" Event: Take part to obtain Ningguang's outfit and a 4-star character from Liyue of your choice
Daily Login Event: "May Fortune Find You"
"Flowing Lights and Colors" - Lantern Rite Gifts
Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act I - "The Crane Returns on the Wind" Coming Soon
Event Wish "Gentry of Hermitage" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Vago Mundo" Zhongli (Geo)!
Event Wish "Invitation to Mundane Life" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Vigilant Yaksha" Xiao (Anemo)!
Event Wish "Adrift in the Harbor" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Plenilune Gaze" Ganyu (Cryo)!
Event Wish "The Transcendent One Returns" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Lonesome Transcendence" Shenhe (Cryo)!
Paimon's Sneak Peek at Version 2.4 New Events - Phase I
"The Crane in the Clouds" Web Event Has Begun!
Shenhe doesn't interest me too much, but Zhongli's rerun...I want geo grandpa so badly aghhhhh. I adore his character design and personality(and, well, his impenetrable shield and columns useful for climbing👁👁). He would be a perfect third geo character for my geo team together with Itto and Gorou.
Currently I have 80+ wishes saved and 62 wishes made towards the pity(yes, it took me THIS long to get Gorou instead of ten billion constellations for Xiangling or Barbara. But hey, at least I unintentionally got a quick C1 for my boy Itto, I'm not complaining...), so I'm pretty confident I'll get Zhongli. Now I'm just going to patiently wait and collect materials for him...
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As is the case with the past couple times I said I wouldn’t wish for a new character, I decided to wish for Shenhe after all and got her since I was guaranteed. Planning to build a superconduct team with her, Eula, Zhongli, and Raiden Shogun. If that doesn’t work out, then idk, I’ll use her on another team.


So, funnily enough, my character RNG comes through for me again. I made only seven wishes on the Xiao banner and got a Keqing con, so now I’m guaranteed again. I’m going to save my guarantee for Yae Miko and start building up primos again.

I also finished the newest Archon quest/Shenhe’s story quest, and the Enkanomiya quests as well. I have to say that I’ve really enjoyed this update so far. They added a good amount of new content while we continue to wait for Sumeru.
