Games that disappointed you

Friday Night Funkin'.
It was a cool game, but it felt like it was... missing something...
mirror's edge catalyst! waited years for a sequel to my favorite game and it ended up being garbage :(
Pokemon Sun and Moon were pretty disappointing for me. Pokemon Dash was kinda meh too.

Also, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning really annoyed me, because it was initially advertised as a prequel game before turning out to be an edgy remake of the series upon release. I might have been able to get past the story, but gameplay was just a boring button mashing combat game instead of a platformer. Don't get me wrong, some combat games rock - this one didn't imho.
I'm sure there are quite a few games that I've found a little disappointing over the years but these are the only one I can think of at the moment:
  • Pokemon Let's Go Eevee (or Pikachu) - I did enjoy this game when I first started it but before long I'd lost interest and have never actually finished the game. It's not an awful game but it just didn't really add anything new and usually I have no problems completing Pokemon games so it was disappointing to me that I got bored of it so quickly
  • Super Mario Galaxy - when this game was first released for the Wii I probably didn't give it enough of a chance, I played it for a few hours and then gave up with it as it just didn't interest me. I decided to give it another go when 3D Allstars was released on the Switch and while it was better then I remembered I still didn't find it as enjoyable as I'd hoped, it might've not helped that I played it after Sunshine (one of my top Mario games but gets a lot less love generally then Galaxy) so to me it had quite a lot to live up to. I've never tried Galaxy 2, mainly because I had little interest in the first game, but I've heard its a better game so maybe if I'd given that one a go I might've had a better opinion on Galaxy.
i recently got weakwood throne and it was kinda boring tbh
to be fair i only paid like £1.50 for it but it's still pretty bad
Minecraft. Never was drawn to it, but finally decided to give it a chance on Switch... and it’s exactly as I expected it. Guess I’m just disappointed it didn’t exceed my already low expectations. Placing those blocks one at a time... ugh.

Dragon Quest VIII. I had to force myself to finish the game. The story was so boring and I didn’t care for any of the characters. Heard nothing but good things about the game, but man was it boring to me.
I know it was mentioned before but Hometown Story wasn’t the best game for me ^^;
Personally it was lacking overall and it doesn’t have anything for me to feel the need to advance the game or feeling rewarded for the work that have been put into it. I haven’t played it in a long time so many of its features and plot of the story are lost to me, but the feeling of disappointment still stick with me to this day so I can’t say I can recommend the game to anyone ^^’
For me, it'll have to be Guinness World Records: The Video Game, since you cannot even delete existent save files there (I got it secondhand) :mad: and imho I find it lame overall too...
Furthermore, I dunno.
I bought a game years ago called Heart & Slash because it looked ADORABLE, I loved the aesthetic and the hack&slash gameplay seemed fun but when I played it uhh, I had absolutely no idea where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do, then I randomly encountered some sort of boss battle or something and I also didn't know how to beat it so yeah I was pretty disappointed

I'm sure there's more games I've tried that I've had the same issue with, but I don't remember right now
Cyberpunk. (Sorry if it was already mentioned) It looked hot with the graphics and mechanics, but in truth it was a glitchy unfinished mess. I got so mad I returned it to the store and got persona 5 royal instead.
Paper Mario Origami King. There were parts that I really enjoyed. The music was fantastic, Olivia's character was adorable, and the level design was pretty okay too (you couldn't get me out of that boot). But the story and other characters were so shallow and that battle design was so stupid. I adore the other games and was so excited to have a version on the Switch. It was my boyfriend's first Paper Mario and I had to tell him, "They're not all like this I swear!"
Cyberpunk 2077.

On paper, I love absolutely everything about it, the cyberpunk setting especially which is what interested me the most. It's a setting I absolutely LOVE but it really isn't done all that much (or all that well) in games very often considering how much creativity that setting allows, so to see any big AAA studio (lets be real, CDPR aren't the little indie company people make them out to be) doing something with it got me excited. Trash companies like EA or Activision could have been taking a crack at it, I would have somehow still be hyped.

The only thing I didn't care about which everybody else did was the developer, because their previous Witcher games didn't interest me. This game I had on my radar because it interested me, I otherwise ignored it and the hype until I could buy it myself. The only game I've bought on release in literal years.

I lost total interest though thanks to how broken the game was and how both my Xbox and PC struggled to run it in an enjoyable enough way. I would have happily dropped the settings as much as I needed for just a solid 30fps but I couldn't even get that, and the AI was awful too. Enemies just stood there doing nothing...The crashes, freezing, glitching and a ton of other issues I've seen many times before but NEVER all in the same game. It may be fine now but I don't think I've ever been so burned on a game.
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Pokémon Moon, for sure. Alright, this is both complaining and story-esque, but bear with me.

Nintendo had hyped it to heck and back, so I was super excited, I bought it from the eShop (yes, digitally) when it was released at midnight... only to learn it takes ~26k blocks of space. The SD card that comes with every 3ds doesn’t have that much space! I had to go out and buy a bigger one! (First red flag.) Then, when I have this new, 32gb SD card in, I buy the game and...... it takes 3 hours to download. (Second red flag.) Alright, whatever, I get the game going. And it’s stuttering, like lagging a bit. Opening (and closing) the game (from the home screen) is a waiting game. So I’m like, “alright, maybe the game is just so good that my old 3ds can’t handle it” (though it handled other games I bought digitally just fine). I get maybe 20 minutes in and the dread starts setting in. Oh no, please don’t be a hand-holdy game. Please. I just want to explore! Don’t do this to me game. Don’t be a reoccurring theme here! It is a reoccurring theme. (Final red flag.) Throughout the entire game, you are told you cannot go to the next area because you don’t have the proper stamps. You want to grind from higher-level opponents than what you’re currently dealing with? Too bad! Either face them head-on or enjoy leveling up rather slowly on wild Pokémon.

I realize my gripes with this game are probably popular ones. But if the little problems are what a lot of people notice most, there’s a problem. (And they didn’t fix the last one in USUM. I have that game but in physical form so I can’t speak on behalf of everyone who bought it/has it digitally.)
Pokémon Moon, for sure. Alright, this is both complaining and story-esque, but bear with me.

Nintendo had hyped it to heck and back, so I was super excited, I bought it from the eShop (yes, digitally) when it was released at midnight... only to learn it takes ~26k blocks of space. The SD card that comes with every 3ds doesn’t have that much space! I had to go out and buy a bigger one! (First red flag.) Then, when I have this new, 32gb SD card in, I buy the game and...... it takes 3 hours to download. (Second red flag.) Alright, whatever, I get the game going. And it’s stuttering, like lagging a bit. Opening (and closing) the game (from the home screen) is a waiting game. So I’m like, “alright, maybe the game is just so good that my old 3ds can’t handle it” (though it handled other games I bought digitally just fine). I get maybe 20 minutes in and the dread starts setting in. Oh no, please don’t be a hand-holdy game. Please. I just want to explore! Don’t do this to me game. Don’t be a reoccurring theme here! It is a reoccurring theme. (Final red flag.) Throughout the entire game, you are told you cannot go to the next area because you don’t have the proper stamps. You want to grind from higher-level opponents than what you’re currently dealing with? Too bad! Either face them head-on or enjoy leveling up rather slowly on wild Pokémon.

I realize my gripes with this game are probably popular ones. But if the little problems are what a lot of people notice most, there’s a problem. (And they didn’t fix the last one in USUM. I have that game but in physical form so I can’t speak on behalf of everyone who bought it/has it digitally.)
Is it just me or did Pokémon Sun/Moon feel more laggy and pixelated than Pokémon XY?
- Pokemon Moon/Sun
was super boring and it lagged like crazy. cant get into it

- Smash Bros Ultimate
It's a fun game, Im just not super into fighting games
EXACTLY OMG Especially as they tried to upgrade the graphics but then it all went laggy and the 3DS wasn't able to process it appropriately. And the game took AGES to load.

I also think nature like forests or fields looked better in XY for some reason? Like I don't know they tried too hard to make it realistic in Sun Moon
Sadly, Fallout 76. I had very high expectations but I should have known better lol It is a shame honestly as it really had a lot of potential but ended up falling short for me.
For me it's Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Bought it cause the art style looked really cute (and it is), but it didn't take long to complete and to me it's a game with little replay value. Not bad but was disappointing especially considering its a full-priced Switch game. I mean if I'm spending that much on a game I'd hope it's something I can play through multiple times, but too me it just got too boring.
Probably Halo 5: Guardians

I actually held off on playing it's campaign for the longest time cause I heard so many bad things about it. When I did finally get around to playing it for achievements' sake, man were those things true lol. The game is just a tough slog to get through, especially on Legendary, and the story was just not interesting in the slightest. The multiplayer on the other hand is fantastic and is easily my favorite advanced movement shooter. I'm really hoping the next game in the series fixes the problems present in 5's campaign, which does seem to be the case fortunately.

Cyberpunk. (Sorry if it was already mentioned) It looked hot with the graphics and mechanics, but in truth it was a glitchy unfinished mess. I got so mad I returned it to the store and got persona 5 royal instead.
Cyberpunk 2077.

On paper, I love absolutely everything about it, the cyberpunk setting especially which is what interested me the most. It's a setting I absolutely LOVE but it really isn't done all that much (or all that well) in games very often considering how much creativity that setting allows, so to see any big AAA studio (lets be real, CDPR aren't the little indie company people make them out to be) doing something with it got me excited. Trash companies like EA or Activision could have been taking a crack at it, I would have somehow still be hyped.

The only thing I didn't care about which everybody else did was the developer, because their previous Witcher games didn't interest me. This game I had on my radar because it interested me, I otherwise ignored it and the hype until I could buy it myself. The only game I've bought on release in literal years.

I lost total interest though thanks to how broken the game was and how both my Xbox and PC struggled to run it in an enjoyable enough way. I would have happily dropped the settings as much as I needed for just a solid 30fps but I couldn't even get that, and the AI was awful too. Enemies just stood there doing nothing...The crashes, freezing, glitching and a ton of other issues I've seen many times before but NEVER all in the same game. It may be fine now but I don't think I've ever been so burned on a game.

While the complaints about performance and terrible AI are absolutely legitimate, I actually kind of enjoyed the game. I thought the writing, world-building, and visuals were great, though that's about it. The gunplay feels very unpolished but still enjoyable to a certain degree. The skill tree was pretty enjoyable too, though apparently some are completely bugged? The police system is quite possibly the worst I've ever seen in a video game and it really ruins the experience sometimes. The vehicle handling is definitely pretty wack as well, but that but I hardly used vehicles after I found out about the bhop glitch. This game was definitely half-baked and it's incredibly disappointing to see that when considering what was originally intended to be in the game. What we did get was still pretty enjoyable, but only if you're able to run it properly. If the game ever gets patched to the point of it running well on less powerful machines, I'd recommend checking it out again though maybe not at full price. (Note: My rig has a GTX 1080, 16GB DDR4 RAM, and an i5 9600K)