Favorite Horse ♥

Favorite horse villager?

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Savannah without a doubt. She's been my favorite villager since AC:GC and is to me just as essential to the games as Nook and Resetti.
Ed's my favorite horse. I had him in my first town before and he was great. I love his personality which he is relatable of whatever he talks. However when he flirts I didn't get anything of what he was saying since I was in 5th grade. I got sad and cried a bit after he left. I think that is the first time I'd ever get sad for a video game character.
I dream only of Colton....eh,not really there's also Epona,Winnie and Cleo.I voted for Colton because he's the horse villager that got me to like the horses where before I wasn't all that crazy about them.
Savannah was so sweet. I remember I got her as a random move-in when I started my first town. If she ever showed up in my campsite, I'd probably adopt her again xD
I have quite a few horse friends, but Papi is my bud for life. I played the game for a long time before I actually moved him into a village and instantly fell in love. Those eyes, those eyes, those eyes :)
I'm partial to Elmer for some reason. Probably nostalgia as he was in one of my first WW towns.
Roscoe is easily one of the coolest characters in the entire game. I had never heard of him before I met him and it doesn’t even matter what his house looks like, he is that awesome.
I'm not familiar with the horse villagers. I chose papi strictly for looks. The only one I've ever had is Julian, and I wasn't too impressed.
I like Clyde. A lot of people don't like his eyes but I think they're kind of cool.

Cleo and Annalise are also really good.
This was tough, I didn't realize how many horse villagers there were or how many I actually liked. I always loved Papi because he was the first horse villager I ever had (and I'm a sucker for lazy villagers) but I also adore Cleo or Peaches.