Favorite fast food

Long John Silvers/ Foster's Freeze

They're both on the "higher end" of fast food cause they're still somewhat pricey, especially if you're buying food for the whole fame. But I love Foster's Veggie burgers and I love like everything at Long John's, especially the hush puppies. I will eat all of them.

Also Subway, even though I used to work there, honestly it just made me more picky about how my sandwich is made and everyone knows instantly that I've worked there. XD
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I never eat fast food, I'm sort of a health nut
can't resist me some salty fries though
wendy's, nene chicken (its a korean fried chicken chain), and KFC. the other fast food chains just suck.
Lol now I realized everyone who posted
Lol I justo edited this and forgot about it jajaja
And I also like subway I front about it jajaja
chick fil a , subways , or panda express
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I don't usually like most fast food restaurants, but I like to eat at In N Out Burger once in a while
Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Culver's, and there are some other local fast food places near my house too.