Favorite and least favorite Teir 1 villager

ehh still dont like this whole tier thing but basing from the tier 1 in the outdated villager popularity list here:
fave: fang and beau
least fave: rosie and ankha
Favorites: kid cat, zucker, marshal
Dont like: stitches (hes really creepy), chief, beau
favorites: stitches, diana, molly and rosie
least favorites: marshal and beau
fave: marshal, beau, stitches. #1,1.0001,and 1.00001 [molly lagging behind at #2]
least fave: Zucker, Marina, Kid Cat
My favorites would be Marshal Diana and Merengue in that order and Beau coming 4th...

My least favorites would be Fauna and Molly... and Zucker.
Favorite: Marshal, Beau, Stitches
Least Favorite: Molly, Ankha, Rosie
I really love Marshal, Rosie and Stitches.

But quite dislike Zucker he's ok but meh.
My least favourite is probably Zucker... I just don't think he's cute enough to be a Tier 1 villager. My favourite would probably be Lolly though and I have her in my town :).
I like all of them, especially merengue. She's so frickin adorable and makes me hungry every time I look at her!!! And she's PINK and she likes to cook awwww