Does It Scare You?

As long as they're not in my house. Then No

Your favorite villager from Animal Crossing suddenly moved away?
Thanks to the amiibos, no.

Seeing something strange in the middle of your food after you’ve taken a bite?
Yes, if I have put a lot of work on them. Yes, I'll will probably be devastated.

Getting lost in the woods at night?
Lmaoo, that's about the least likely thing to scare me.

Your house being infested with rats?
Considering my face went “😟” just reading that, I’m gonna say yes LOL. I had a singular mouse in my room 3 times and that was enough to freak me out, my entire home being infested with rats would actually just kill me I think

Getting sick?
Not really. Driving requires too much focus so that's not something I can sit there and worry about or give much attention towards.

Finding out if there's life after death.
I barely pay attention to my surroundings to notice something like that, so not really.

One of your arms or legs being amputated?