• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Do you think hacking increases a town's aesthetics?

Personally, I think that hacking can increase a town's aesthetic to an extent. It's okay to put palm trees on the upper level of the town and put all the shops and buildings into one spot, but when they start doing stupid stuff like putting trees in the river, putting the train station on the beach, and merging two or more buildings making it impossible to go inside one, then that's going too far.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hacking is greatly frowned upon, in my book. It kills the experience and enjoyment of the game. There is nothing good to gain from hacking.

Except 999,999,999 bells :rolleyes:

But seriously I see where you're coming from. I usually don't hack a game until I've seen pretty much all I can and want to see what more I can do with it.
Hacking is greatly frowned upon, in my book. It kills the experience and enjoyment of the game. There is nothing good to gain from hacking.

Completely agree on killing the enjoyment. I've never understood hacking in ANY game to achieve all goals/items at once. Like, what's left to do after that? Never understood it. My above post was purely about the aesthetic side.
Now I played for 4 years without hacking. I hated my town name, my river, the rocks, the slopes, my villagers (houses), my native fruit and a few other things. I started to think about hacking. Now I changed the things I wanted and I'm happy with it. Altough my town is hacked, you can achieve everything without it. But it's cool when cedars grow on both sides of town and some other little things.
I hate seeing bushes and trees in rivers, it looks so stupid. But that's what most hackers do. And almost all popular hacked towns are a chore to navigate. Most of my favorite towns aren't hacked, or if they are, they probably just hack items.
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Some of the hacked towns are pretty cool, but mostly they just all seem too busy and too much for me. I don't care if people hack but I like the look of non-hacked towns better. The hacked towns now remind me of the super crazy hacked towns from City Folk you'd see online when it was popular.
I like making and designing my town the old fashioned way, but I have seen some gorgeous hacked towns on tumblr. I can admire the hard work that goes into putting them together and appreciate the end result, but I prefer non-hacked towns. That's just the way I am.
I think if it's done well and realistically then yes. Personally I don't mind towns that are hacked at all, as long as they still manage to look realistic and it's not too noticeable that the towns been hacked. I think moving the notice board and the town tree can make a town look really pretty in my opinion or putting in redd's new years stand can also make a town look really beautiful as long as it's somewhere realistic. I think if I were to do it myself, i'd just get rid of some rocks so I have more free reign when it comes to decorating my town.
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I don't mind, as long you didn't hack to steal someone else's town and claiming it's yours lol I think that's​ very lazy..like very very lazy.
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My town is a hacked town, however I've tried to keep it looking as natural as possible (as well as open-spaced as possible, not hugely keen on towns that are too cramped). I have two street lamps on the Town Plaza, the Notice Board next to the Town Hall, and a few tropical fruit trees on the beach (lychees, durians, etc.). I've also made two woodland areas in my town, but they are only fairly small.

I'm happy with hacked and non-hacked towns, as long as the player is happy with it and hasn't stole the town from another player (there was something a while back about people exporting other's dream towns and importing it into their own games), that's fine by me!
Well, hacking would let me put a pyramid in the water, which I think looks pretty cool. I don't hack my town because I am not sure how to. Sometimes it just makes a town look weird though. I have seen ones with no rocks and the houses lined up in a perfect row. For some reason it was kind of creepy to have the houses all crowded together and the rest of the map so open and empty.
I like the idea of hacking... it kinda reminds me of using cheats in Sims to put things anywhere you want. I like that idea because I'm really into town building games and part of me wishes I can freely place things in ACNL as well. However, I'm content enough with the building mechanics in ACNL that I don't really feel the need to hack. I also don't like most of the hacking trends you see in tumblr towns like putting bushes and bamboo in the water and bridges going into the lake etc. Usually when I enter a dream and I see a bunch of clovers and weeds in the plaza I instinctively want to leave already because I have so many experiences of getting trapped in overly foresty hacked towns. I also think because of that reason it would be harder to achieve "perfect town status" since it's so easy to place too many trees when you hack... and I know the number of trees affects the perfect status of your town. I'm OK with time travelling back and forth to landscape my town :) I quite enjoy it anyways.
For some reason it was kind of creepy to have the houses all crowded together and the rest of the map so open and empty.

Absolutely hideous.
I've seen them like that.

I like houses randomly spread out, like a country town, not a crammed apartment block.
You can definitely achieve perfect town status without hacking, it's just really hard, especially if you're like me and only really like cedar trees. xD

Otherwise, I think you can achieve some super unique and nice looking things with hacking, like palm trees in areas other than the beach, and for whatever reason, the whole "let's put random things in the water", which sounds weird but usually ends up looking really pretty. Also, getting around the limits for planting trees and bushes can work nicely.

On the other hand, I don't usually like going to hacked towns because of the fact they can get around the limits, so getting back to their plaza can be a huge pain in the neck. I really wish they would implement a way to leave dreams right away. >.>
I don't like hacked towns. They require very little work.
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Personally, I think that hacked towns aren't as nice as natural ones. When I can see how much work and time was put in to a town, I enjoy and appreciate it much more than someone who spent a couple days messing with the files. Of course, I understand that people like to hack to allow them to let their creativity flow, and I think that's great! I just don't appreciate it as much, and it doesn't wow me like when I see a completely natural town with a gigantic town tree, hybrids for days, and lots of well-placed PWPs.