Do you also use emergency service app after getting the scallop?

I don't because I don't like going through through the rescue services dialogue. However, I have gotten Pascal and then immediately saved and quit for the day while still in the ocean lmao.
yes ;-; I’m lazy as hell and it doesn’t take very long to get them to rescue you... plus I’d rather look at dialogue then actually work to move all the way back lmfao
Ahahaha this has *literally* never occurred to me and now that it's been pointed out, I'm still not gonna do it XD maybe I've been conditioned in real life but somehow it feels *W R O N G* to me to call something labeled "emergency" in either a game or real life if it isn't a real emergency? Call my mom and dad if you want to pin that one down and ask them about the promo item TV ahahaha!!
I’ve literally never used the emergency rescue app! 😂 infact I completely forgot about it until I read this thread! Scallop hunting can be really tedious, one time I never got pascal until my 8th scallop it was horrendous I wanted to fling my switch out of the window right there and then
I've never done this. I've actually never called the Rescue Service in general. Like JKDOS said on the first page of this thread, in the time it would take to call them and confirm it, you can swim to shore. I can see some potential degree of convenience in the Rescue Service placing your character closer to the store as the OP said, depending on one's island layout, but I'd rather just swim and walk.
I've yet to use rescue services, but I don't really find myself getting that impatient 0:
and it's fun to swim, even if you're just holding down the A button
omg XD it never even occurred to me to do this but I am so amused. I have legit never used the rescue dude unless I legit *could not* get myself out from whatever corner I had lodged myself in!! I MIGHT DO THIS THOUGH like sometimes I dive in between processing orders while I'm working >.> and really like rescue would be easier/faster to get back to mainland with once I chat with that stoney macaroni otter...
omg I've never actually thought of using rescue service this way!
Hadn't thought of that but it's quite tempting although I probably wont waste the nook miles points because I havent a single dreamie and I need to find julian eventually!
I definitely do it, especially if I'm so far away from a beach. But I'll also use it if my inventory is full and I'm far away.
I do this all the time now since I have a lot of NM and nothing to really spend it one.

I especially do this when I’m at the northern part of the island and can’t be bothered to go around to find land to get back. Yes, there is the secret beach, but it far and my pockets are full~

Most of the times, I keep swimming and diving until my pockets are full and call Resetti to yeet me to the shop so I can sell my stuff.
I've used the rescue service once, and that was only because I thought it might give a badge (it didn't). I don't see a need to use it to swim to shore.
I've literally never used that service (and often forget it's an option) but... if I have full pockets from diving I might.

I don't find it tedious or anything, unless my pockets are full, than it's annoying because I get distracted by all the bubbles 😛
I never thought of this since I always swim back to shore. I usually swim close to nooks, so I don't have to go too far.
I don't. Usually, I find more sea creatures a few seconds later so it keeps me busy and eventually leads me back to my island.